40. Fight

It's been two months since they were exiled to the Eternal Forest and their days have been really good and fruitful these days.

King has fought with a lot of monsters in these two months. He goes to hunt everyday for some new prey but seldom wastes the food because all of it is preserved into jerky or just eaten on the day.

"Elaine, I am going for hunting". King said and walked out of the treehouse.

"Yeah, be careful". Elaine nodded and sent him off like a little wife.

"Alright buddy, house's safety is on you now". King rubbed Lopt's head and went ahead into the forest by himself.

He rode on the soft Chastiefol pillow and looked for the prey with his much more increased elemental magic control.

His wind control was even more fine than before but there were still monsters here that could escape his perception.

So King was alert at all times to make sure that nothing happens or he is not sneak attacked by some monster.

He came to a clearing and saw a reptile like creature hiding behind a tree and looking at a deer in front of it.

"You are it". King smiled and immediately converted Chastiefol to the sunflower form and let off devastating beam of light.

'First time testing this skill and it is very lethal'. King thought when he looked at the reptile's evaporated head a big gully in the same direction.

King just obtained this skill a couple days ago and couldn't find a suitable target to test his skill anywhere.

This opportunity gave him the perfect chance and he couldn't wait to try it. The effect was pretty good and King was very proud of himself.

"Hiss". A sudden hiss awoke him from his stupor and King immediately took evasive action and converted Chastiefol into the Guardian.

A huge mouth closed on their heads and both Chastiefol and King were enclosed in the mouth of the huge snake.

'Fuck, I was careless'. King cursed in his mind and made Chastiefol into a ring of light for some illumination.

'This should be the mouth then that is where I can target to pierce the brain'. King looked up at the roof of the mouth and thought of what to do.

"Chastiefol". King called and Chastiefol turned into the default form.

"Spin". King commanded and Chastiefol started to spin like a top on the spot.

Then with a wave of his hand, the spear shot upward and tried to pierce the roof of Snake's mouth.

Imagination is wonderful but reality is cruel. The spear went up but bounced back immediately. Chastiefol can pierce anything in existence but it is also corresponding to King's strength.

If King is too weak against the enemy then Chastiefol also cannot do anything to the enemy with its strength.

"Can only find another way to get out then". King murmured and looked around.

"Let's go". He commanded Chastiefol and flew inside of the snake's body.

The snaked body is at least hundreds of meters long in a straight line. Soon, King reached the heart area and saw a massive beating heart in front of him.

'I've heard that bathing in Dragon blood can increase your body's defence and strength then what about snake blood of such a massive thing'. King looked at the beating heart and touched the skin with his hand.

The skin was tough like rubber and King could barely squeeze even a little bit of it with all his strength. Which shows how strong the vulnerable organs are.

His strength has increased in just these two months by at least one ton. These two years after breaking the seal on his original strength.

His strength has been upgrading quite fast. In seven years with just physical training, he has upgraded his strength by at least fifty tons.

It is nearly fifty times the original strength in seven years and some of the Asgardians barely reach this strength in MCU even after multiple centuries of training.

So King can be said to have a very high talent and basically no limit like Goku. He can just keep getting stronger if he outs enough effort into it.

Even in these two months, he hasn't focused on physical training at all and mostly focuses on training his combat experience and perception.

He still progressed with one ton of strength which is not bad in this case. He can be said to have a fairly high amount of strength.

But he knows that if this is the comic verse then his strength is barely a hindrance to the average Asgardians by Comics standards.

Asgardians in comics have at least 5000 tons of strength and that's the weak side of the spectrum. This is not even average for them.

Thor was said to have millions of tons of strength in comics. He was able to close a fissure in the earth with bare hands and even knocked back Galactus with a strike.

King has a long way to go but he has only just gotten started and people of Alfheim are more inclined to agility and Magic rather than brute strength itself.

So King still have at least 83 years to get stronger and be able to compete with the powerhouses of Asgard in the upcoming war.

'My strength is not enough'. King clenched his fist and looked at the beating heart with some desire for experiment.

The dark knights that were guarding King could still perceive normal life signatures from King and knew there was no danger for now. So they didn't take action and waited for the chance.

King spun Chastiefol again and shot it at the heart like a bullet breaking the sound barrier. Chastiefol pierced through the heart and came out of the other end.

"Roar, Hiss". The snake roared and hissed in unwillingness.

It didn't even know how it died because it couldn't digest its prey because of its magic and paid the price with its life.

King didn't have any sympathy for the snake and quickly dug out it's mouth with the heart in tow. He was going to do his experiment.