43. Melancholy

It's been another three months since King last killed the snake and increased his strength by a big amount.

He also didn't forget to kill one for Elaine but it took his all along with Elaine and Lopt to even put a scratch on the outer scales of the snake.

This made him desperate at that time and he had asked Lopt to teleport him straight to the Snake's heart and took the matter from there.

After getting the snake's heart. He did the same procedure for Elaine. She was about to vomit when she had to swallow the blood of the snake.

But she just held her nose and gulped it down with her eyes closed. Then King immediately threw her into the bathtub and boiled the blood inside.

The benefits of this were also quite good for Elaine and she, who had never even exercised in her life directly gained strength equal to two hundred and fifty tons.

But King found that a mortal body without Divinity cannot digest the power in the blood and will directly explode if they try to ingest it forcefully.

Still, both of them have Divinity in them and this alone helps them greatly in absorbing the strength from the blood and they have nothing to worry about.

Now, they have gained a lot in these past three months. King has also tried his upgraded power a few times with Elaine and his power increase is nearly 200 tons.

The frequency is quite high but this also gave him some food for thought. 'Even if I keep having sex everyday with her. I will barely ever reach a planetary level by the time of Ragnarok. I need to speed up my progress'.

King was quite firm in this belief because he knew that those who sit in the shadows are at least on the same level as the Cosmic entities.

'I need to first speed up my integration with the realm'. King closed his eyes and felt that the integration with the Realm of Avalon was improving steadily and he will become the lord of the realm in about three to four hundred years which is not too long.

'My sense of time is getting distorted already'. He couldn't help shaking his head at the drawback of being an Elf and a Fairy with vastly long lifespans.

Living a couple thousand years may even be a matter for sleep for them. They are just that damn lazy.

"King, the wolf is dead". Elaine snapped him out of his thoughts with her shout.

"Hmm, oh good job". King looked at her and saw the wolf dead on the ground.

Elaine was actually out hunting for some food and King was making some clothes for the two of them back at the treehouse.

Elaine couldn't do this even if her life depended on it. So the responsibility of clothes fell on Ling's head and he could only do it.

Elaine then had to go hunting for food or they would be starving to sleep tonight. Which made him sigh with relief that Elaine was there with him.

'If I was alone, I would die from loneliness'. King looked at the blooming smile on Elaine's face and felt that his mood was lifted a lot.

He got up from the bed and washed his hands before going to the stone slab on the side. This was another one of his creations to make some good meat.

"I want smoked meat today". Elaine whined and completely let her body fall on King's back. He was crouching on the ground and Elaine was hanging from his back.

"Well, let's make that today". King nodded and started making preparations to make some smoked meat.

"Woof". Lopt also reported his presence to not be left behind in the supper.

"Yeah yeah, you'll get it as well. Now wait there obediently". King waved his hand to shut him up and started cooking quickly.

Soon, appetising aroma arose from the pieces of meat and other wild vegetables which brought a lot of saliva to the two hungry cubs.

"Bon Appétit". King put the meat on wooden plates and presented them to the both hungry people.

"Delicious/Woof". Both of them gorged down on the meat and exclaimed happily.

"Thank you". King smiled and continued to eat his own food on the plate.

After finishing the food. All of them laid down on the grass and looked at the pleasant sun on top of their heads.

"We still have to stay here for a year and seven months huh. I kind of miss Mom and Diane". King spoke in melancholy while looking up at the sky.

"I also miss them". Elaine also nodded her head and expressed her feelings.

"Whimper". Lopt also whimpered because it missed getting some love from Aelsa snd Diane.

"Well, Can't keep wasting time now. Need to go and make some clothes". King jumped up and went to the treehouse to stitch some clothes and keep himself busy.

"I should also meditate". Elaine sat down cross legged on the ground and closed her eyes to connect with the Nature and grow her divinity.

Lopt also took its leave and sped off into the forest to hunt some prey. It also needed to increase its strength and not fall behind the other two.

Soon, the time came to night and King finished sewing the clothes for the two people.

The clothes were a simple dress made of treated Animal hair and a T-Shirt and joggers. Each of them were two pairs.

"Here, try the clothes". King took the dress a s helped Elaine dress herself up.

"How do I look?" Elaine spun around and the dress fluttered because of the fine Animal hair used to make the dress.

"It looks wonderful". King nodded his head and praised sincerely.

"Hehe, thanks". Elaine laughed and her steps couldn't stop after wearing the new dress that King made for her.

They have been here for the past five months and King made some very clumsy clothes at the start that just fell apart in a very short time.

Now he has learnt to sew clothes very well and van sew some different designs with just a needle and a thread.