50. Date

"It's been 15 years since we've known each other huh". King looked at her and spoke softly with an affectionate look.

"Yes". Diane lowered her head when answering his question. Her heart speeded up like crazy when she heard King's words and looked at his faraway look.

"Truly a wonderful time together wasn't it?" King smiled softly and looked at her.

Diane raised her head and even her gaze turned a bit soft and melancholic while looking at King's affectionate eyes.

"I still remember how timid you were when I first met you. You were all flustered and so clumsy". King laughed and reminisced the time of their meeting.

"Yeah, I was just really nervous". Diane smiled embarrassedly and scratched the back her head.

"Then one time when we went to the city for playing. This guy bad mouthed me and you punched him in the face". King still continued and teased her more and more.

"Yeah, he wasn't stopping even after you were so polite to him". Diane pouted and then laughed along with King.

"Just so many memories huh". King just looked on with a faraway look and couldn't help sighing that nineteen years went away without even knowing.

"Yeah, those fifteen years were the happiest of my life". Diane nodded with a faraway look like King.

"Let's go on a date". King stood up from his chair and suddenly suggested.

"Huh". Diane's mind stopped for a while and she rebooted again to process the sudden words.

"D-date?" Her face was twitching for a big smile to appear but she was trying hard to control.

"Yeah, I know you already heard about it from Elaine. So let's go on one as well". King suggested and changed both of their looks like he did with Elaine.

"Mmhmm". Diane couldn't say anything and just nodded her head in acquiescence. She stood up from the chair and walked over to take King's hand.

King didn't speak any nonsense and the two of them quickly found a secret passage that only he knew along with Aelsa and ran out of the castle.

This secret passage is a new passage that is only know to four people in the entire castle and no one can find it out.

All those who constructed the castle had their memories wiped off by Aelsa herself to ensure absolute secrecy.

King and Diane ran to the streets and they quickly went to the commercial district in Ljosalfgard. They were going to hold their date here.

"Shall we eat something, it's time for lunch anyway". King led the way and looked around the place for some good restaurant.

"That one looks good". Diane pointed towards a restaurant with a boar sign on it.

'How come I've never seen it?' King was puzzled and was led to the place by Diane.

They entered the restaurant and it was actually a nice restaurant with quiet customers with a good ambience to it.

"Please follow me sir". The clerk asked and led the two to a good corner table of two.

"Can you get us some of your signature dishes please". King ordered and sent the clerk away.

"Diane, what do you want to do after this?" King asked while stirring the water in front of him with a spoon. It was somehow calming and he couldn't stop.

"Let's go outside the city to that meadow". Diane answered and smiled sweetly.

"Oh that place is nice as well. Why not, we'll go there". King nodded his head and silently waited for the food to come.

The clerk quickly delivered the food and the two started to eat immediately. They were trying to finish as fast as possible to spend some time at the


After finishing their meal, King paid a silver coin and took Diane out of the capital city and flew on Chastiefol towards the meadow.

They arrived at a meadow which was just a sea of flowers. There was every kind of flower that you could see here.

"King, this is really the most beautiful place". Diane admired the scenery nth tome since she has seen this place.

They have come here plenty of times before and this scenery is always this fascinating. It just never fails to soothe their minds and enjoy the scenery.

"We should visit the Fairy gardens sometime in the future". King said while flying over to the lone tree in the middle of the meadow.

This tree was planted by Elaine herself and she powered it with her divinity every once in a while to make it grow big and lush.

It makes a good canopy and a good picnic spot. They have had many picnics in this place in the past.

"Hey, let's play tag". King suggested and without warning touched Diane and ran away.

"No fair". Diane whined and ran after him to catch him quickly.

They weren't doing their best in running or they would've destroyed all these flowers with sonic booms.

They spent the entire afternoon playing around in the meadow and having a peaceful time together before they decided to head back to the city.

King again flew on Chastiefol and got off on a remote corner outside the City wall. Then both of them entered through the door again.

The evening sun radiated the streets reddish that made the scenery look picturesque and peaceful in the bustling stronghold.

"Let's go and see some stalls". Diane ran excitedly towards some stalls selling different accessories.

"King, come here". Diane ran towards King and took his hand before leading him towards the stall.

"What is it?" King smiled and asked her. He liked the fact that she wasn't being formal with him now.

"How do you like that bracelet?" She mover her finger towards a blue glass bracelet.

"It looks good". King nodded his head and quite liked the carvings on the glass bracelet.

"I will take that please". Diane motioned for the aunt at the stall and she quickly handed Diane the bracelet and Diane paid a silver coin for it.

"Here, my gift". She handed him the bracelet and smiled more and more wider.

"Thank you". King took the bracelet and wore under the eager eyes of Diane.

"It looks good". Diane complimented sincerely and her smile couldn't be put down at all.