57. War

Asgard was currently being besieged on multiple fronts by Jotunheim and the Dark Elves from Svartalfheim as well.

"My Lord, we need to retreat". An Asgardian general stood there looking at the armies besieging them and voiced his concerns.

"No, Asgard's glory shall ahine above all and we will not retreat. I will lead the charge. Prepare the horses". Hela looked at the battlefield calmly before saying and got down from the fort wall.

This was the fort that they has captured after coming to Jotunheim as their headquarters for the army in this realm.

This move proved correct and now they were having much better time fighting this prolonging war in Jotunheim.

'These damn vermin, I will slaughter them'. Hela was fuming when she felt that they were being pushed hard by the Giants and the Dark Elves.

This war lasted three years before Odin decided to join the battle as well and the war spanned the three realm infinitely.

In just three years, Odin laid waste to most of Jotunheim and Laufey had to get out to surrender unwillingly or Giants would go extinct.

Odin moved his vision and when he came to Nidavellir. The Dwarves didn't even offer any resistance and just surrendered.

They would much rather live peacefully and make their craft rather than getting their homes destroyed in flames of war.

King, Aelsa and Frey were currently sitting in the castle and having a serious discussion about Odin's motives.

"The new Asgardian ruler has gone crazy. He is like a rabid dog biting every realm". Frey slammed his fist on the table in frustration and sighed deeply.

King's marriage with Freyja had been halted because it was no time for marriage when War was on their necks like a giant sword.

"He wants to make Asgard the centre and ruler of all realms". King answered calmly unlike Frey.

"I know but he is slaughtering so many innocents for it". Frey sighed and nodded his head in understanding as well.

"This is war". Aelsa spoke calmly and sighed as well.

War is never pleasant. The most affected in a war are the ordinary people rather than the others. They face the most terrifying aspect of war: death and destruction.

"We need to make sure that the same does not happen to our own realms". King said and looked at Frey.

"Have you made the necessary preparations in these three years?" King looked at him and asked seriously.

"We have made some preparations but to face Asgardian armies. Out preparations might not be enough". Frey nodded and spoke worriedly.

"You can send Gerd, Freyja and Frigga to us. We can make sure that they are safe". Aelsa spoke up confidently and reassured Frey.

"Odin has conquered Nidavellir. His next target will either be Alfheim or Vanaheim. So you should be very clear". King spoke and pointed at him simply to clear the facts.

"I will send them over today". Frey nodded and got up to take his leave as well. He only came here for an hour and now he has to go back to reside over the realm.

"Mom, I have to get back to battlefront". King spike and stood up from his seat as well.

"You came after three years from the fort and you have to go back immediately". Aelsa shook her head and sighed while speaking.

"Don't tell my visit to Elaine or she will be sad". King said and entered the portal made by Lopt.

Immediately, he was back at the fort like he never left and no one was aware that King had ever even moved a step away from the Fort.

Everyone was staying there as is. The command was top notch and every soldier was patrolling the walls dutifully.

"My Lord". Diane knocked on the door of the castle and called softly.

"Come in". King looked up and Diane entered the study.

"My Lord". She saluted as soon as she entered the study and stood there respectfully.

She is the commander of King's personal guards and she has maintain discipline when she is on an important occasion especially war.

In war times, Fiancé and all those roles are not counted. You have to maintain military discipline to set an example for your subordinates.

"What is it?" King acknowledged her salute and asked.

"It looks like that Asgard has finished their war with Jotunheim and Svartalfheim. They are marching their armies to Muspelheim". Diane reported solemnly.

King was a bit bewildered by this news. "Huh, but Muspelheim is empty. You will not find a single Fire Giant before Ragnarok begins". King said and his eyes looked puzzled.

"I don't know". Diane shook her head to signify her ignorance to this matter as well.

"You can retire. I will see what I can do?" King waved his hand and clutched his head in annoyance.

'This guy doesn't play his moves according to what everyone thinks'. King was very annoyed by this but he was powerless since he couldn't really change Odin's decision now could he.

'We can only wait to see what he will do next'. King took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He just stopped thinking about Odin's next move altogether.

King rang a bell close to his desk and a soldier quickly entered the study. He has been stationed here for a long time to take any orders.

"We might have enemies in a week's time. So tighten the guard". King ordered and the soldier ran out to convey the orders.

Since the order was fairly important. The Soldier quickened his pace and delivered the order to the commanders and Generals.

'Hela, we might be good friends but I cannot ignore the dignity and the safety of my Realm. Be ready for my heartfelt surprise for you'. King smiled inexplicably while looking at the plains in front of the Fort.

There was a very subtle surprise hiding for the Asgardian army there that will surely shock their world once they decide to launch their armies there with Bifrost.

'Hehe, I just can't wait to see your face?' King thought sadistically and started going through the paperwork on his desk again.