59. War 3

"What happened?" One of the warriors lowered his axe and looked at the body of his fellow soldier laying on the ground with a huge cut on its abdomen.

"No!" Angry and sad roars rang out when everyone realised what happened and looked at the devastated surroundings around them.

There were bodies of their companions laying in front of them with no vital signs of moving and there was no enemy corpse in sight.

Even an idiot would understand that they have been fooled and they have been fighting each other in all this while.

"Where is the enemy?!" One of the warriors yelled angrily with his eyes bloodshot. He couldn't wait to go and just hack the enemies to death who made him kill his own brother in arms.

"Calm down!" Hela ordered majestically and all the warriors immediately shut their mouths and stood straight on the plains.

"Maintain formation, the enemy could come for us at any moment. This was just a trap. They are probably notified of our approach". Hela said and all the warriors immediately moved into formation but their hearts were dripping with blood.

They just killed so many of their companion without even killing a single one of their enemies. This gave a heavy blow to their morale.

They wanted vengeance above everything else but this also told them that the Realm was far more dangerous and insidious than what they had faced before.

"Everyone will sit down to rest and then we will march to the nearest Fort for conquer". Hela held up her hand and commanded.

The warriors removed the sacks tied to their waists and ate some dried meat along with some water to wash it down their throats.

Everyone rested here for a while before they started their march again towards the nearest fort to conquer this land. They needed this fort as their vantage point.

"Take your aims". King put his hand up in the air and commanded when he saw the army marching towards their direction.

'Hehe, another surprise for you'. King laughed sinisterly and all the soldiers immediately started to operate the magic cannons.

The army finally reached the range of the Magic Cannons but King didn't give the order to shoot yet. He wanted them to get forward a bit more before he would bombard the most clustered group of warriors.

"Shoot!" King ordered and the Cannons roared to life with their projectiles. They zoomed out of the horizon with Sonic Booms and bombarded the enemy army heavily like bombs.

"Scatter!" Hela saw the attack that bombarded their army and quickly ordered the army to scatter. She wanted to minimise the damage.

Although everything was already too late because the Magic cannons just bombarded the army heavily in a large range causing immeasurable casualties.

The scene was tragic. The warriors in the range of Magic cannons blast couldn't react and were blown to bit of blood and flesh. There was nothing left of them.

Some were directly evaporated into nothingness when they came in direct contact with the magic projectile.

"Heimdall!" Hela couldn't see the extreme situation of her army getting literally decimated. So she immediately yelled to Heimdall.

Bifrost broke through the horizon and immediately took away the army of Asgard after bombardment of the magic cannons was finished.

This move from Bifrost nearly made it drain all the magic stored into it. Since Aelsa was keeping a tight lock on the realm from anyone's prying eyes.

They came back to Asgard and all their faces looked terrible and angry with indignation. They didn't even go to the realm for one day and lost more than twenty five percent of their army.

Above all, they didn't even see a shadow of the enemy. All of this was done meticulously like they already knew Asgardians' approach.

The most terrifying is the unknown and the enemy that kills you so ruthlessly without even showing a shadow of his being is even more terrifying.

"Your Highness, His Majesty asks for your presence". A Royal Knight immediately appeared in front of Hela and said respectfully.

Hela spared him a glance and started walking towards the throne room in the Palace. She quickly made her way through the golden hallways.

Every nook and cranny of the palace has been laid with gold without a single space to spare. This has been looted through war.

Hela got in front of the throne and knelt down on one knee before speaking. "Your Majesty". She called out coldly.

"The realm of Alfheim has been prepared for us long ago". Odin looked towards the outside with deep eyes and didn't immediately to the topic.

"Aelsa was interfering with me as soon as the armies landed in the realm. We have suffered an unprecedented defeat and setback". He looked a bit angry and his aura was flowing outwards.

"We will cease out campaigns here. I will talk to the lord of Alfheim". Odin sighed and spoke softly after converging his aura back inside.

Today's defeat made him snap out of his overconfidence and see what he has done to the rest of the realms.

Asgard was meant to be the protector of the realms but his act of waging war to all realms just made it an oppressor rather than a defender that it should be.

"Your Majesty". Hela looked up in a bit of shock and tried to voice her opinion.

"Enough, you can retire". Odin waved his hand and dismissed her. He wasn't going to listen to her now.

Just then, the throne room was violently pushed open and a Royal Knight came rushing in. He thumped on a knee and took the pose in front of Odin.

"Your Majesty, It's not good. Her Highness was assassinated in her quarters". The Royal Knight was sweating profusely and shaking in fear when he introduced this news.

"What!" Hela immediately stood up from her place when she heard these words.

She didn't even wait for anything and rushed out of the throne room and headed straight for her Mother's quarters to see it with her own two eyes.

She was in complete denial and didn't want to believe that someone just killed her mother from right under her nose.

Hela sped up as much as possible and soon reached the bedroom of her mother. She saw that her mother was laying there in a pool of her own blood and there were some purple marks on her body.

This was an obvious sign of poisoning and it was a vicious poison that could kill a powerful being so gruesomely.