74. Travel farther

"This power". King looked at his hand and clutched it tightly to feel the power coursing through his veins like molten lava.

'I have finally achieved power equal to Mom and I am still not that old". King had a smile on his face when he thought of this point.

He still has plenty of time and he already possesses the power on a universal plus scale. It is only a matter of time before he also possesses the power to face those guys.

'Now I can either go back home or I can contact the Phoenix Force preemptively on my own initiative and I know just the thing for it as well'. King got lost in thought on what to do next.

'The blade of the Phoenix should be in the Shi'ar Empire. If I can get my hands on that then I can communicate with the Phoenix Force on my own initiative'. King made a decision and decided to just strike while the iron is hot.

He got on the Spaceship with Lopt and took off from Earth. He had already took his soul back from the realm.

After fully acquiring the realm, he can now step inside it with his own body instead of just his soul which is also a good gain.

The two of them quickly set the coordinates and entered the wormhole for travel to the Shi'ar empire.

This will give him the time to get used to his strength as well or he could've just taken Lopt to open a portal to Shi'ar empire.

He needs to just tell Lopt the exact coordinates of where he wants to go and the rest is child's play for this guy.

They started travelling and King also focused on controlling his power as much as he can before they get there.

They spent a week in the spaceship. Soon, they reached the periphery of the Shi'ar empire and King quickly stored away the spaceship.

'Buddy, open the portal at this place'. King sensed the movement of the patrols with his magic and then told Lopt.

Lopt quickly nodded and both of them quickly passed through the portal. They came behind a patrolling spaceship.

King motioned to Lopt and it immediately opened the portal inside the spaceship in a hidden corner to avoid complications.

King passed through the portal and silently started to go through the whole ship before he took the guards out of order.

He interrogated some information out of them and just tied them up in the store room and put them in illusions.

He got some clues about the whereabouts of the Blade of the Phoenix. It is put in a special zone and shown to the populace to make them remember the traitor of Shi'ar.

All his family and descendants are being killed to this day to make sure that none of them can host the Phoenix Force.

'Quite brutal if you ask me'. King shook his head and asked Lopt to open a special type of see through portal for him.

"Woof". Lopt nodded and immediately got to work.

King looked through the portal and started moving its direction to his desire. He finally saw the sword at a very conspicuous place.

'Hehe, you are mine baby'. King smiled mischievously and stretched out his hand to forcibly take the sword away.

A very astonishing scene happened in the Shi'ar Empire. The people standing in the square looked at a mysterious hand that suddenly emerged out of thin air and forcibly snatched away the Blade of the Phoenix.

The whole square was in an uproar immediately. Everyone looked at the disappearing blade and they felt that the apocalypse was here.

Some even dropped on their knees in despair when they saw this. Their memories of devastation were still fresh from last time.

When that guy devastated the whole of Shi'ar after he became the Dark Phoenix. He was barely controlled and now this happened.

Even the high level officials of the Empire were alarmed and they were searching for the source of the hand that just popped our of thin air.

But their efforts were fruitless because King had already gone away from Shi'ar empire after getting the blade.

He didn't even know what kind of commotion he had caused on Shi'ar because os this stunt of his. He nearly caused a mayhem there.

'The blade of the Phoenix that only the Rook'shir's descendants can pick up but I just did it forcibly'. King looked at the massive blue blade in front of him while thinking.

"Now to contact the Pheonix". King murmured and decided to contact the Phoenix immediately but then he thought of the consequences before doing so.

'Shouldn't be much of a problem'. King closed his eyes and focused his telepathy on the small piece of Phoenix Force inside the Blade.

'Open up sesame'. He chanted in his mind and triggered the piece of Phoenix.

As soon as he did this. A swirling red flame enveloped the whole sword and a big red portal opened up in front of him.

He was currently on a dead planet in case that Phoenix decided to fight. So he had to be ready for it.

"So you couldn't wait huh?" The Phoenix Force came through the portal and spike calmly to King.

She looked just like a Human with Green eyes and Fiery red hair flying lightly in the air. She was wearing a skin tight yellow suit with the phoenix symbol on her chest.

She was walking gracefully and left some fiery red prints on the ground as soon as her foot touched that place.

King could feel the immense power behind her every step just by standing there. This was the first time that he was facing a Cosmic Entity at its core.

Death and Yggdrasil never actually cared to put pressure on him. Which is why he never felt any danger from them but The Phoenix in front of him was a different story altogether.

He felt like was standing on thin ice and he had to put down every step very carefully with consideration of triggering a battle that he would very much lose.