91. News

"Alright, here is the intel". King took the scroll and laid it out on the table.

"This is quite comprehensive". Howard said while looking at the scroll carefully.

"With this, we can take out all the German bases in one fell swoop". The Colonel was excited after seeing the scroll.

Even if he cannot get a lot of military merit. He can still get a lot of benefits just by handing in the scroll with his very hands.

Since he is in charge of this post then all intel has to go through his hands first. If there is something wrong then he has to bare the responsibility but if it is something good then he also gets corresponding benefits.

'My career is about to take off'. The Colonel laughed while looking at the Scroll like the most precious gem in the world.

"Alright Colonel, wipe your drool and report this to the Headquarters". King said and looked at the Colonel who was about to drool at the map.

"Sorry, Sorry". The Colonel snapped back to reality and tried to wipe the drool on his mouth but found that there was nothing and it was completely dry.

"Hahaha". All of them laughed when they saw the Colonel actually wiping his drool.

"Colonel Sir!" Steve on the other hand came barging through the door ignorantly with a loud salute.

"What is it Captain?" The Colonel gained back his composure instantly and said solemnly.

"I would like to take charge of the operation Sir!" Steve said seriously and looked at Colonel's face.

"Captain". Colonel said and got a bit silent to think about it.

"Alright Captain, I will take responsibility of this". He sighed and nodded his head.

"Thank you Sir!" Steve Saluted and bent his waist in a bow to thank him.

"Now take your leave". He waved his hand and Steve immediately exited the room.

"Yes Sir!" Steve saluted again and exited the room dutifully.

"You want to go again huh". As soon as he exited the room. He saw a demonic Peggy with a sweet smile on her face.

"Ahahaha, Yeah". Steve rubbed the back of his head and gave an awkward laugh to gloss over the facts.

"Come here Steve Rogers". She caught his ear and twisted it like dough before walking off with him in tow.

She doesn't give about any lady like demeanour even though it's prior to 1950. She has that strength in her to not care.

"Lover boy is in for a ride". King laughed along with Howard and looked at Steve's back. Colonel on the other hand just shook his head.

"You are also taking us out for your punishment". Diane also took the chance and put down her terms.

"Alright, where to?" King didn't mind and just nodded his head.

"Let's head back to New York first". Emma chimed in again and the three people looked at her again for a second.

Emma just played it off naturally like it was the right thing and she didn't even change her face. So the four people headed out of the base without even greeting the others.

Just then, a phone call came and King took out his phone. It was Freyja's call that came right on time.

"King". A whining voice came from the other side of the phone.

"What is it?" King asked gently while seeing Freyja being sprawled on the table with her chin on her boobs.

"I am so bored. I blame it all on you. Send someone else here. I don't want to stay anymore in this shit hole". Freyja whined and cursed. She was very lonely at that place and she had enough of it.

"I never forced you to do it. It was you who wanted to. If you want then you can just come back. I don't really care much about that organisation". King smiled and told her calmly like it was no big deal.

Even though, it would good to know what kind of changes he is making to the timeline intricately but it wasn't something worth to upset his wife about.

"Thanks, I will be back today". Freyja cheered up immediately and started to pack up her stuff.

She only needed to pack up all her things which will take most of the time otherwise she could go back very quickly since she will teleport anyway. So it wasn't anything big.

"Alright, you guys go there. I need to meet someone." King looked at the three woman and said lightly.

"Is it Yao?" Elaine asked when her intuition rang. She is the Goddess of Nature and Nature answers to her beck and call.

Her power is enough to change the Landscape of all the planets in the Universe at once. They aren't weak after being with King for so long.

She may only be at the Universal level but that is more than enough to protect herself from basically anything with some clever means.

In fact, Freyja and Diane are also equally powerful as her. Aelsa has also gotten more powerful but she is till far away from a multiversal level. Still, all of them can protect themselves well.

King is still amassing as much power as he can because he has a feeling that before Ragnarok arrives. He will be facing some more difficult opponents.

Those who sit in the shadows might be powerful and all but King can at least handle one of them on his own.

And there are only about three to four of them anyway. He just needs a few more allies to stop them for good.

'But the problem is that the threats in Marvel aren't only limited to the One sitting in the shadows.' Thinking like this, King suddenly paused and thought about his words just bow.

'Did I just raise a flag?' King was startled and prayed that nothing would happen because of this.

"King, come back to reality". Diane waved her hand in front of King's face when they saw him looking a bit dazed.

"Sorry, yeah, It is Yao. I'll be back in a bit". King nodded to affirm Elaine's question and then took off from there before teleporting at a hidden corner.