116. Test

It's been a month since the day he finally got it done with Bast and she has started to live together with them in the manor.

She likes to become a cat and go around the neighbourhood unrestrainedly. King also puts her on his lap while watching TV and enjoy patting the soft fur on her back.

She purrs so cutely as well and King can't help smiling when he sees it. She is almost more of a pet than a wife to King at this point.

Elaine and the others also know her from before when King saved her three times before even though they only had the promise of him helping her once.

This time, it was the fourth time that King saved her ass in an invasion to her believers. He has taken care of her for several millennia now.

First time was when Kree invaded to experiment on Humans on Midgard and got the wind of Vibranium in Wakanda.

They invaded in full force to try and take as much Vibranium as they can from there. That was also the time when King fulfilled his promise to her.

Next time, it was The Eternals who wanted to borrow some Vibranium to defeat Deviants and that was also when King got acquainted to them.

He introduced himself as Harlequinn to them. He has used this name a lot throughout the ages and has mingled with a lot of historical figures.

His records are literally everywhere from 1500 BC till now. He is in Greek, Norse, Christian, Arthurian Legends, Babylon, Africa. His name resounds through the ages.

And right now, he is about to put his name in another historical record of making Captain Marvel.

'Actually, it is not Captain Marvel but the Light speed Engine.' King suddenly retorted to whatever that something was saying but he didn't know who it was.

"Oi King, pay attention." Howard yelled and got King's attention back to the test that they are doing at the moment.

'Not like you will get any results by me paying attention. The Kree are already in the surroundings. Now the question is to stop them or let them do it.' King was already aware of the Kree's approach.

If he does it then there will be no Captain Marvel but he can't let them kill Wendy and take away Carol.

'She has become a good friend of mine during the years and it will be hard to just forsake her like this. So we stand at an impasse.' King was truly troubled by this.

He can let her stay here or let her get abducted but he is more inclined to just stopping the Kree altogether and not let them take away Carol.

'Let's do this.' King started paying attention to the ongoing test and also paid attention to the surrounding Kree soldiers.

"Carol, you better pay attention and don't mess this up." Maria patted the side of the jet and reminded Carol before nodding at her and backing away from there.

"Do your best." Wendy also spoke with a smile and nodded at her.

Then all of them backed away from Carol and the jet to a good amount of distance for it to be safe.

"Oi Howard, if we succeed then you will build one for yourself as well?" King leaned in and spoke to Howard while looking forward.

"Yeah, just imagine being able to go anywhere on Earth instantly." Howard was a little excited and nodded happily.

"Howard." King suddenly spike in Howard's eyes ear seriously and looked around at the vicinity.

Howard got the clue and took out his gun from the side of his leg. He has an upholster there for the gun.

"I can feel it too." Howard nodded and his eyes turned vigilant.

It was a crucial step and time now. Interference couldn't be tolerated at all. They had to be very careful about this.

The Jet had started and was preparing to run off. At that moment, a blast came and accurately punctured the engine of the jet. The jet started reacting and was about to blow off immediately.

"Carol!" Maria screamed and was about to run towards the Jet but Wendy caught her in her arms spontaneously.

King and Howard tan off towards the direction of the blast and tried to help with the jet before it was too late.

King was purely acting to save. Since he knew that it won't really do any harm to Carol anyway. So he symbolically ran with Howard.

"Howard, you save her. I will go after the assailants." King said and ran towards the Assailants in the distance.

Howard nodded his head and tried to run towards Carol to save her but it was too late. The jet blew and even when Carol ejected herself from the Jet.

She was still sent flying from the shockwaves and some of the energy from the engine and the reactor swept on her body.

King in that time had already approached the Kree around the surroundings and started to kill them one by one with the gun in his hands.

He was weaving through the trees in the surroundings like a shadow and easily solved all the Kree members but he left one like he didn't see the guy and returned.

He did this as a warning to them. This way, they won't come back easily and know that there are powerful being on this planet.

"How is it?" King saw Howard and Wendy taking Carol's pulse and Maria sitting next to her in worry.

"She fortunately acted fast and ejected herself from the engine before it was too late." Howard said and sighed in relief.

"Her life isn't in danger from what I can tell and she just got knocked out from the shockwaves but we will have to get her fully checked." Wendy also gave her analysis and let Maria handle Carol.

"That's good to hear:" king nodded his head and started to use his phone to call for his jet.

"Skynet, send a Quinjet." King spoke to his phone and Skynet appeared on the screen and confirmed the order immediately.