81. Time skip

King was currently sitting in the hall with Aelsa and the girls along with Hela. They were having their Breakfast and King wanted to talk about something as well.

"I want to go to Midgard for a while and have some fun." King looked at all pf them after finishing his breakfast and said.

"Mhmm." Aelsa listened to his words and nodded without expressing anything for the time being.

"I want to go for a while and see what's so good about this world that attracts all those menaces." King again spoke and looked at all of them with anticipation.

"I will go with you".

"Me too."


"*hand raised*." All the girls jumped up to go along with him. How could they miss out on the fun.

"Okay, you guys can go but make sure to contact me often." Aelsa nodded her head and agreed to their travel.

"Thanks mom." All of them said at the same time and quickly ran off to their rooms to pack up their stuff that they need with them.

"I will also send some servants with you." Aelsa finished her sentence behind them and all of them were gone from the room. She just shook her head with a smile.

'That went smoother than I expected.' King thought and laughed in his mind while heading to his room.

"Buddy, do you want to tag along?" Lopt suddenly appeared beside him and King asked without turning his head.

"Woof." Lopt nodded and headed to King's room with him.

They quickly packed up whatever they needed to head towards Midgard. It was 1930s still and even the first decade of World War 2 hasn't passed. So they still have time to establish themselves properly.

After everything was done, King took all the luggage into his Dimensional storage and headed to Midgard with the girls.

Everyone had their luggage inside their own suitcases. So it was quite convenient for them to start everything up.

"Let's go." King said a bit excitedly and all of them disappeared from that place.

Next time, all of them appeared in a room in Kamar Taj. This room was exclusive to King. No one can take this room.

Not even the acting Sorcerer Supreme can step into this room without King's permission. He is like one of those ancestors in chinese novels.

"We are in Kamar Taj. You can all go to Yao while I go and sort out some stuff." King spoke to the others and disappeared from the room.

'Now, first we hijack the brains of some ministers and make ourself a good identity in United States.' King started to look through the information in his head.

He had activated his wisdom Divinity and was connected to all the information in the omniverse at this moment.

'So this minister is easier to control huh.' King opened his eyes and immediately teleported away.

He was already standing behind the politician and controlled his mind immediately. He accessed his brain and put in some suggestions.

'With this, everything will be smoothly done. No need for me to worry about an identity.' He took some papers that he created on the spot and put in the information in the Minister's mind and also willed some reality manipulation to act along with it.

Soon, his identification was resolved and King was a part of the Featherwine family of America. It has a glorious past and has a firm foothold with politics and military.

There is a vast mansion near the Fifth avenue in New York and they are a wealthy Family with vast amounts of Real Estate.

They practically own a quarter of the New York with King's manipulation and he is also making everything very convenient for himself.

Why does he need to worry about these kind of things when it can all be done with his powers to solve these troubles.

'Now, let's go back to Kamar Taj.' King smiled happily and disappeared from place like he was never there.

"Hey guys." He appeared in Yao's tea room and saw all the girls sitting around the table and sipping tea while chatting with each other.

"Oh confectionary from the future huh. Yao, you are getting a bit naughty." King smiled and sat down on a chair as well.

"You only know how to get on my nerves." Yao rolled her eyes at King and just got back to sipping her tea.

"How is the situation?" Freyja asked King before he could continue making fun of Yao.

"Hmm, nothing much. I just changed some things and made ourselves some identities. We can mingle with the mortals now." King smiled and told them.

"That's good. I love these powers of yours." Freyja smiled softly and complimented King calmly.

"Why thank you, my lady." King joked and took Freyja's hand and kissed it.

"Hehe." Freyja just giggled elegantly and her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"I want." Elaine couldn't take the jealousy and also stretched out her hand as well. She easily gets jealous.

"Okay okay." King laughed and just took turns with everyone in the room. Even the unwilling Yao had to give in after King insisted a bit.

"Yao, we have to go now. See you anytime when you want to come over." King bade farewell to Yao and disappeared from the room with the girls.

"Haaa, I feel tired." Yao shook her head when King left the room and sighed.

King also got to the mansion that he had constructed here with his powers and took the girls in.

'King, the servants are ready to go over'. Just then, he heard Aelsa communicate with himself.

'Alright Mom, I will teleport them over.' King nodded his head and the servants immediately appeared in the hall.

"Everyone, this will be your new place of work." King took their attention and said.

"Yes, your highness." The servants bowed and started arranging the whole mansion.

"It's not as good as the castle." Diane looked around at the mansion and commented truthfully.

"Obviously dummy, the castle took a lot of effort from me as well. This wasn't made as good as the castle in Alfheim." King shook his head and rebuked her playfully.