125. The game

"Mom, it's your turn." King laughed after he took off the blindfold and immediately walked over to her to put on the blindfold.

"Let me tie it for you." King asked while showing the blindfold to her.

"Okay." Aelsa smiled and closed her eyes.

King got behind her and tied the blindfold in a broad way. This way she wouldn't be able to cheat in any way.

"And the last thing here." King snapped his fingers and sealed everyone's powers altogether.

The only who can unlock everyone's powers is himself or Alex. No one else has the power to unlock it. Not even Death herself.

"That's it, mom count to ten and then start finding us. I have restricted the area. So it is a limited space." King finished speaking and ran away from there.

Everyone quickly scattered around and tried keep themselves as still as possible. They were trying hard to control their laugh.

*nudge nudge*

Harley started hitting Pamela with her elbow and made funny faces to make her lose her control. She would pull her cheeks and even stick her tongue out.

Due to the atmosphere, it was already hard to control the laugh and Aelsa was also moving towards their direction.

The immediate pressure made Pamela laugh out and Aelsa snapped her head towards Pamela and quickly caught up to her.


A wave of laughter rang in the garden when Pamela was caught and no one could control their laugh anymore.

"That was fun, it's you turn now Pamela." Harley bounced around like a bundle of joy and mocked Pamela.

"Harley!!" Pamela growled in anger and ran after Harley to teach her a lesson.

"Hahaha, can't catch me." Harley laughed and ran ahead. She was having the most fun around here.

"Huhuhu." Pamela clutched her knees and bent over to breathe in quickly. Normal human physique isn't the best ever.

Then Pamela resigned to her fate and asked Alex to tie the blindfold for her. After everything was done, the game started again.

This time, Pamela moved towards King due to hearing the rustling wind near him. Having her eyes blocked, made her other senses heightened to another degree.

King ducked and rolled over to minimise the sound when Pamela was about to touch him. Seeing this made everyone else snicker a bit.

Pamela caught the nearest sound and started moving towards it.

Elaine on the other end of the sound was in the biggest crisis of her life at the moment. It was a transparent square that King made and she was getting cornered little by little at the moment.

When she was in the corner, Pamela slowly caught up to her and just as she was about to get touched. Elaine ducked and tried to do the same thing as King but she fell short and accidentally rolled into Pamela herself.

"Hahaha." There was another loud laugh and everyone was practically on the ground wheezing in laughter at this point.

The game continued like this the whole day and everyone had a lot of fun. All of them forgot their original purpose and just played together.

"That was fun." Jean laughed happily and cling to King's back with a wide smile on her face.

Bast was also tired and was currently resting on King's head. She was purring softly like a cat and looked extremely comfortable while doing it.

Meanwhile in some other place,

"Woof!! (King, you fucking bitch. You totally forgot me again)." Lopt growled and barked out loud from rage while looking at the square from afar.

He was finally tired after waiting in the mansion for so long and just thought of going where everyone was.

What he found after getting here was that everyone was having fun and he was excluded from all of that.

His rage knew no bound. He wanted to kick that Cunt's head and play it like a football in the world cup.

"Lopt." Aelsa felt Lopt's gaze and looked towards him.

"Lopt?" King suddenly questioned and remembered something.

The colour drained from his face in dread and he hid behind Aelsa quickly to save himself.

"Woof! (See where you can run now cunt)" Lopt barked and cursed with a sinister smile.

"No bad language." Aelsa reprimanded immediately after she heard Lopt's words.

"Wooo! (But he wronged me. Sorry Mom)" Lopt whimpered out and immediately became obedient.

"Hehehe." King mocked and laughed when he saw Lopt getting reprimanded.

"You come here as well mister." Aelsa didn't spare King either and made him sit on his knees to reprimand him as well.

Everyone else just looked over and then got back to talking together. They had no interest in intervening between them.

Jean and Ororo were a little hesitant to intervene at first but others persuaded them and they let go of it as well.

No one wanted the fire to spread to them as well. It's good as long as it stays in a limited area and doesn't affect them.

"I'm sorry mom. We need to go back now." After a while, King finally couldn't take it and spoke up.

Aelsa looked at the time and stopped reprimanding King and Lopt. She nodded her head and left from there and walked over to the girls.

"Phew, sorry about that buddy. How about I get you a dragon bone?" King expressed his apology and tried to make amends with Lopt.

"Woof (okay)." Lopt nodded. He had no more energy to argue with King now.

"Thanks buddy." King put his head on Lopt's back and stroked his fur. It was very comforting.

Both of them enjoyed the rare peace while the girls laughed when they looked at how the two were acting.

Both of them are one of the strongest beings in the multiverses. One would hardly believe that they are out of strength after looking at them.

"Let's go back now dear." Emma came close to King and whispered in his ear with a smile.

"Hmm." King hummed and waved his hand to open a portal for everyone to go.

He just called Chastiefol and laid down on it with Lopt like how they were at the start. His head was still on Lopt's back.

"We'll meet again." King peeked up a little and said to the others before entering the portal and returning home.

"See ya." Everyone else waved their hands and greeted each other goodbye before leaving.