130. Powers

"Now that everyone is a bit calmer. Let's see what's happening with everyone." King said seriously and calmly to make everyone feel calm as well.

King got close to Susan's forcefield and touched it with his hand to feel its hardness.

"It's quite solid and protective. Try to close your eyes and feel the power inside of you. Then slowly guide the power and try to cut off the supply." King said patiently to let Susan stay calm and follow his instructions.

"Same goes for all of you. Rather than panicking, try to just meditate and control the power roaming inside of you." King looked at the rest and said in the same controlled way.

"Hmm." Everyone nodded and agreed with him. Then they slowly tried to control their powers.

"It's working." Reed was the first to succeed and he was able to go back to normal and stand there normally after he controlled his power.

Next was Johnny, who immediately shut off his fire and saved the floor from melting into literal lava.

After that Susan controlled the flow of her powers and shut off the forcefield along with her invisibility.

Ben was the only one who was still struggling with the control of his power. He just couldn't make it shut off.

'I did allow him to switch it off but I guess he just doesn't have much of a talent for it.' King shrugged his shoulder and didn't really care.

"Alright Ben, don't be in a hurry. Just take your time and try to control the power as best as you can." King comforted him and patted his shoulder.

"Hmm." Ben nodded his head and stopped trying for now.

The powers just made his appearance a bit ugly but it wasn't anything inconvenient like the fire or rubber powers from Reed.

"What happened to us?" Susan questioned with a bit of fear imagining herself to be some kind of a freak of nature.

"Nothing my dear, you just got gifted some powers." King shook his head and patted her back to comfort her.

"It's a gift, so don't think of them like some abominations." This time King faced everyone of them and said seriously.

All of them had a thoughtful look on their faces. It might be a bit hard to accept the sudden change in the beginning but they will get used to it.

"Now, we'll have to get you guys into shape." King smiled and pressed a switch on his watch.

After ten minutes, the sound of sharp wind could be heard coming from the top of the building. It was like a helicopter was landing on top.

"Let's go to our ride." King walked out of the lab and everyone followed behind him like some chicks.

"Woah, this is will be my first time riding in a helicopter." Johnny was a bit excited when he saw the advanced looking helicopter in front of him.

The looks of the helicopter were quite aggressive like a combat helicopter made for the military and it just looked manly.

"Well, you'll get used to it." King just waved his hand carelessly and boarded the helicopter with everyone.

"Take us to the King institute." King said and the helicopter flew off again.

It took them about five minuted from where they were to get to the King institute for the gifted.

It was a grand view from the helicopter. The building were neatly arranged like a complex and the amount space used for them was humongous. You could make a small town out of how much space was being used for just an institute.

"So beautiful." Susan said again the second time in a single day. She found that being with King made her see views that she might not see her whole life.

"Welcome to my school for the gifted. Here we let special people like you get training for their powers and learn how to control them better." King spoke with pride when he saw everyone's surprised look.

King institute is known to the world but it doesn't allow entry to other people. Only students and teachers can set foot on campus. Not even students' parents can come here.

They do enrol normal people as well but it's mostly people with gifts and powers. Like Mutants or others with unconventional powers.

"King." As soon as they landed, King was greeted by Jean. She was already waiting for him when she knew that the helicopter had took off.

"This is the vice principal and my girlfriend, Jean Grey." King pointed towards Jean and introduced her to everyone.

By now, all of them knew that King had multiple girlfriends or wives if you wanna be specific. Susan was also privy to this knowledge.

"Hi everyone." Jean came forward and very naturally took King's arm while waving to everyone in greeting.

"Hello, Miss Jean." The others also replied back a little formally.

"No need to be so restrained." She waved her hand and tried to ease the atmosphere.

"Alright, Jean, get them arranged please. Get their admissions and have them enrolled into control classes please." King kissed her on the cheek and asked her with a smile.

"Ok, follow me." Jean first affirmed King's words and then asked them to follow behind her.

"What is control class and why are we here?" Susan finally got out of her fascination and asked after hearing Jean and King's conversation.

"You are going to become students here and learn to control your powers thoroughly in the control classes." King just shrugged his shoulders and said it like it was the most trivial thing in the world.

"No/ Fuck that." Ben and Johnny denied immediately before Reed even had a chance to express his opinion.

"Guys listen." Reed stopped both of their mouths and started to talk.

"We need this training. We don't know how to control our powers. It could be dangerous for us and the others." Reed looked into their eyes seriously and said word for word. He made sure that they heard his words clearly.

"People that pass here get to live a normal life without having to get restrained by the government. Otherwise, they will come to you and take you in for some experiments." King also spoke and said to them nonchalantly.