Lia's standing in the office of Finn Raines, late at night... As he's crouched over his VP , Charlotte, his eyes glowing red , and his fangs dripping blood!
Lia (Angry): Get off of her!
Lia grab a vase and hurl it into the side of the desk, where it explodes in a spray of porcelain
Charlotte James : Ahhh!
Lia turn to run , terrified... but quicker than a flash of lightning, Finn leaps off the desk and moves around her...
Lia : I...I...Please...
She backs away, terrified,as Finn steps forward...and then another voice suddenly cuts in!
Charlotte James : How dare you!
Lia turns , stunned ,to see Charlotte sit up and casually button up her blouse, a furious look on her face
Lia (Surprised): He was...You were...
Finn strolls back to the desk,takes a monogrammed handkerchief out of a drawer, and hands it to Charlotte
Charlotte James : Thank you.
She cranes her head to the side with an expectant look...
Finn Raines : My Pleasure.
Finn lightly pricks his own fingertip on one of his fangs. He presses his finger to Charlotte's neck ... and the wound instantly heals.
Charlotte James : Now then. Listen to me very clearly. You do not ever walk into Mr.Raines's office unannounced. Do you understand ?
Lia : But he was...
Finn Raines : Yes ?
Lia : You're... you're...
Finn Raines : A vampire.
It's impossible.Inconceivable.Unreal
Lia : My god.
Finn Raines : I'll admit it. I didn't think you'd find out quite so soon...
Lia : Wait... So explain how this works, exactly?
Finn Raines : Curious ?
Lia : I'm trying to understand what the hell i just saw...
Finn Raines : I'd be happy to explain...
Charlotte James : With all due respect,Finn,perhaps it's time to just take care of her...
Lia : Wait... you're not going to hurt me, are you ?
Finn Raines : No, of course not . I'm not a monster.
Lia : Just... a vampire.
Finn shrugs
Finn Raines : I was feeding on Charlotte. That is true. But it was completely consensual.
Lia glances to Charlotte, and she nods.
Lia : And it doesn't hurt ?
Charlotte James : Finn , we have to debrief her .Now !
Lia : Wait what does that mean ...
Finn Raines : I'll do it, Charlotte. Don't worry. But there's no rush. We can talk this through . Seeing me like thismust be a shock. Lia deserves some time to process it.
Charlotte nods, but keeps glaring at Lia
Charlotte James : What are you doing here anyway ?
Lia : Oh! Right! I realized that the clerk gave me some mandrake extract to give Finn, and i'd forgotten it and... It seems kind of irrelevant now.
Finn Raines : Not at all. I'll find that most useful
Charlotte James : Don't forget, Finn , you've got your meeting with Kim in an hour...
Finn Raines : I'll take Lia with me. You're not busy right now, are you, Lia ?
Lia : Now ? Hang on, you've got another meeting tonight ?
Finn Raines : So? Will you come with me ? As my assistant ? Don't worry. I'll pay overtime.
Lia : Oh! Maybe there's another way to pay me back...
Finn Raines :I'm not sure... i mean, that would be...
Lia : Relax, I was talking about stock options
Finn exhales sharply and relaxes. Behind him, Charlotte rolls her eyes
Charlotte James: Subtlety's your strong suit i see
Charlotte slips on her stiletto heels, picks up several folders from the desk and exits the room ,giving Lia some serious side-eye
Finn Raines : Are you OK?
Lia : Yeah, I think so
Lia turns away, taking a deep breath
Lia : (This is, no joke, the wildest, scariest thing that's ever happened to me...)
Finn Raines : I never lied to you. I just...omitted some things
Lia : I'd call being a vampire a pretty big omission
Finn Raines : Let me remedy it. What can i tell you now that will ease your mind ?
Lia : I don't even know where to star. All i know about vampires is what i've seen in movies and TV...
Finn Raines : That stuff isn't completely wrong. Depending on what you've been watching, that is.
Lia : So you're immortal ?
Finn Raines : Correct! I don't age.
Lia : How old are you ?
Finn Raines : Well, let's see, I was born in 1753... I haven't done the math in a while, but... not quite three hundred years yet
Lia shocked
Finn Raines : Sounds pretty old when i put it that way.
Lia : I'm going to need a lot more details.
Finn Raines : I understand.Right now , though, we need to get over to Kim's studio.
Lia : Wait, Kim...? You mean fashion designer Kim Douglas?
Finn Raines : You know her work ?
Lia : Are you kidding? Her studio is the SKIMS
Finn Raines : Exactly
Finn ducks into an adjacent office,and comes back holding an avante-garde,iridescent dress on a hanger
Finn Raines : This was hanging on the back of the door.Do you want to wear it ?
Lia : OMG This looks amazing
Finn Raines : Impressive. That looks like it was custom made for you
Lia : You think i can pull off a Douglas ?
Finn Raines : I think you kill in it Ready to go ?
Lia : Yeah. Just keep me away from red wine. I don't think i could live with myself if i got a strain on a dress that costs more than my rent!
Finn Raines : Don't worry, something tells me this is going to be more of a champagne sort of event
Lia : Let's do it!
Lia and Finn walk down the sidewalk, the twinkle and neon glow of New York City night dancing all around you
Lia : I kind of have a lot more questions for you...
Finn Raines : Go ahead
Lia : How many vampires are in NYC ?
Finn Raines : 180
Lia : That's a very precise number
Finn Raines : Yep
Lia : Does sunlight hurt you ?
Finn Raines : Yes it's painful and would be fatal within half an hour or so
Lia : Can you eat garlic ?
Finn Raines : It's a minor annoyance.More like a general distaste
Lia : So if i told you i know this old school pizza place that makes the best garlic rolls in the world...?
Finn Raines : I'd pass
Lia : Have you ever killed anyone ?
Finn is quiet for a moment seemingly considering how to answer...
Lia : Sorry i didn't mean to...
Finn Raines : Yes. I have. But not recently. I don't. Not anymore.
Up ahead, you see a huge crowd lined up outside a black door
Finn Raines : This is it.
Lia : The SKIMS. It's so crowded for a show that starts at midnight
Finn Raines : That's early for Kim...
Lia : Wait... Is Kim a vampire?
Finn Raines : She is.
Lia : Holy...
Finn Raines : She's one of the six most powerful vampires in New York. She sits on The Council.
Lia : What's "The Council"?
Finn Raines : There are six major vampires Clans in NYC. Each is ruled by a single leader, with 29 followers.Kim is one of them.
Lia : So 30 vampires per clan... 6 Clans ... 180 vampires like Samira, Jamie and you ?
Finn Raines : Yes
Lia : I think my brain is exploding
Finn Raines : 87 years ago the six of us formed the Council and agreed upon a Pact consisting of 2 principles
Finn Raines : First, that vampires are only allowed to feed off of willing humans.
Lia : Consent.Very sexy.
Finn Raines : The second is that the creation of new vampires is strictly limited and subject to the approval of the Council.
Lia : OMG. That's incredible
Finn Raines : The show should be starting soon.Shall we go inside ?
Lia : OK.
Lia descend some stairs into a cavernous room, pulsing with music
Lia : The colors are incredible
Lia gawk at all the famous facesshe can see around the room...
Lia (Surprised) : Whoa, that girl's, like , the queen of Instagram... And that guy's on Metallica's group
Lia : Wait...Are all thes people,models,celebrities,vampires?
Finn Raines : These are very few...out here
A hot,shirtless waiter approaches to Lia,carrying a tray of champagne flutes
Waiter : Champagne ?
Lia: Thanks.
Finn Raines : Listen , i need to go speak with Kim immediately after the show...
Lia : What's in there ?
Finn Raines : A private room. of Kim
Lia: Well, i'm going with you
Finn Raines : Are you sure ?
Lia : No.. but how can i not check it out ? And if i'm going to be your assistant, it seems like i ought to go with you, right ?
Finn Raines : If you want. But stick close to me. And a word of warning.Kim can be charming and alluring but she is so dangerous.
Lia : OK
Lia and Finn enter to the private room
Lia (Surprised) : Huh... it's like a Vegas casino meets an opium den...
Finn Raines : That's pretty much Kim's aesthetic.
As Lia eyes adjust, she sees something scandalous in every corner
Lia see a bartender pouring the blood into highball glasses and serving it to waiting vampires,who toast with it...
Lia : That...almost seems worse.
Then Lia and Finn see Kim herself, lounging on a luxurious,richly upholstered throne...
She is surrounded by a cadre of shirtless,tattooed guards but when she spots Finn her eyes light up and a languid,cat-like smile spreads across her face
Kim Douglas : Finn! My sweet darlig, come here !
The guards part. Finn steps up onto the throne platfrom and kisses Kim on each cheek.
Finn Raines : What a fantastic show, Kim. You've truly outdone yourself with this collection
Kim Douglas : You're a liar, but i don't mind. Say more nice things about me!
Finn Raines : I know this is anight of celbrating, but there is some Council business that can't wait.
Kim looks past Finn and catches Lia's eye.She smiles flirtatiously
Kim Douglas : Don' bore me with Council business when you're hiding this delightful stranger! Who is she ? Come, come !
Lia step up and approach her.She's even more stunning up close.
Kim Douglas : Oh, you look amazing in my dress.Just what i'd imagined
Lia : It's wonderful to meet you. I loved your show
Kim Douglas : What a beautiful creature you brought me , Finn. She is for me, isn't she ?
Finn Raines ( Angry ): No. She's with me.
Kim Douglas : But surely she can be convinced to stay the night ?
She caresses your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes. Lia reaches up and take her hand from her cheek...
Lia : Kim, thank you
She smiles at Kim as she does it, half respectful,half fliritng...
Kim Douglas : Oooh, Curiouser and curiouser...
Kim's hand shoots out,clasping your wrist, tight...too tight...nails digging in...
Lia : You're hurting me...
Kim Douglas : I know.
Finn Raines (Angry): KIM.
With a sigh, she lets go, and Lia jerk her hand away.Kim looks disappointed and hungry for more.
Finn Raines : I'm sorry, but this just can't wait.As you know, we have a growing problemin the city.The Zombie attacks are out of control
Kim Douglas : Yeah,yeah. It's a nuisance, but i'm not sure what you think i can do about it
Finn Raines : Don't pla dumb, Kim Someone on the Council is allowing unauthorized Turnings...
Kim Douglas : I dont know what you expect me to do about it.I'm certainly not Turning anyoune. I honor the Pact, And i hate Zombies.
Kim Douglas : Have you looked at one lately ? They're disgusting I prefer the young humans anyway...
Kim turns back to Lia and reaches her hand out, inviting her closer.
Lia's foot goes off the edge of the throne platform and you stumble backwards and knocks over a glass breaking it!
Lia : Ow!
Blood flows down Lia's fingers and drips onto the ground
The room goes totally silent except for the drip,drip,drip...
Every vampire's head swivels towards you,interested in the blood....
Kim licks her lips, fangs extending...
Lia : Finn!
Finn quickly moves close to Lia,protective,fierce. His fangs extend in a display of force to the other vampires...
Finn Raines : BACK OFF.NOW
As Lia wrap her arms around Finn chest, Finn slowly turns his head from one side to the other, glaring out at the room.
Kim lets out an aggravated sigh
Finn Raines : Are you okay ? Let me see...
Lia : I think it's not too bad
Once Lia's hand is cleaned of blood, Finn takes a bar towel and wraps it around the cut.
Finn Raines : Better?
Lia : Yeah
Finn Raines : Let's go.
Finn turns to Kim with an angry face
Finn Raines : We will revisit this issue
Kim Douglas : Ugh! Whatever.
Lia and Finn step out of the club, out into the semi-deserted streets.
Lia : I just can't believe it. I actually got to see Kim Douglas show and she's a vampire it's like a dream
Lia walk together down to Central Park, the curvy road lit by old-fashioned lamps
Finn Raines : The sun will be up in a few hours.
Finn Raines : Do you remember what Charlotte said about you needing to be debriefed?
Lia : Yeah
Finn Raines : Well, we still need to go do that, before dawn breaks
Lia : What is that exactly ?
Finn Raines : Don't worry, it's nothing that will hurt or harm you. It's just --
Suddenly a terrified scream rings out from up ahead
Lia and Finn look ahead to see a young woman laying on a park bench! Crouched over her is a thin,bald figure in tattered clothes,feeding on her
The woman shrieks and flails,struggling under the figure...
Lia : HEY!
The figure freezes...
It swivels it's head around blood dripping from its mouth. You finally see it's gaunt,pale face under the sickly light of the streetlamp...
And then it's yellow eyes look right you
Zombie : HSssssSSSSSssssSSSSS.....!