Chapter 4: The Great Escape Plan

I found refuge behind a stack of dusty boxes, my heart pounding in my chest. The sound of footsteps grew closer, echoing ominously in the dimly lit hallway. Sweat trickled down my forehead as anticipation consumed me. Suddenly, a figure appeared at the entrance, and relief washed over me as I recognized Aunt Carol's comforting face. I cautiously peeked out from my hiding spot, finding solace in the absence of any other threats. Aunt Carol's eyes met mine, and a mischievous smile spread across her lips. "They've gone," she whispered, and a wave of relief washed over me. A soft chuckle escaped her as if she had anticipated my fear.

Curiosity consumed me, and I couldn't resist asking Aunt Carol about the intense meeting and her fiery anger. She disclosed that we were planning our escape, our ticket out of this place. With a reassuring smile, she led me back to the dormitory, leaving me alone with a torrent of questions flooding my mind. Who were the "we" she spoke of? What did she mean by moving out? And why wasn't this place safe?

Lying on my bed, confusion and uncertainty enveloped me. Suddenly, a delicate hand reached out towards me, and a surge of panic coursed through my veins. Instinctively, I pulled the blanket over myself, seeking solace in its protective embrace. A gentle chuckle followed, and I cautiously peeked out, relieved to see Hana's innocent face. Her shy smile tugged at my heartstrings, and a fierce urge to shield her from harm overcame me. I nodded in response to her request to sleep beside me, and she nestled close, finding comfort in my presence. With Hana by my side, I drifted into a peaceful slumber, knowing that I would protect her with all my strength.

The shrill sound of a bell pierced the air, jolting us awake. Disoriented and groggy, we were herded to the washroom through a long, unfamiliar corridor. The cool water refreshed our weary bodies, preparing us for the challenges that lay ahead. Led by Aunt Carol and her serious-faced comrades, we gathered in a vast meeting hall, where whispered discussions filled the room. Something important was unfolding, and a sense of urgency hung in the air.

Our next destination was the grand cafeteria, a sanctuary within the confines of this mysterious facility. Stepping inside, my eyes widened in awe. Majestic white pillars lined the room, creating a lofty ceiling that seemed to stretch endlessly. The floor gleamed with pristine marble, capturing and reflecting the sunlight that streamed through the high windows. It felt like being in an enchanting open-air auditorium, with our voices reverberating against the walls and a gentle breeze whispering through the space.

Balancing our plates, we settled near the entrance, where the cafeteria offered a glimpse of a lush green landscape. As I savored the food, a niggling feeling of unease settled within me. I couldn't ignore the sight of the tall, barred windows, a stark reminder of confinement. Questions swirled in my mind, intensifying the air of suspense. What secrets lay hidden behind those windows? And what did Aunt Carol mean by our escape plan?