Chapter 9: Escape and Painful Experiments

Within the confines of our torment, I mustered the courage to approach the major, hoping she held the key to our suffering. With a trembling voice, I bombarded her with questions, seeking an understanding of why we endured such excruciating pain and when our liberation would come. But my innocent inquiries shattered the major's composure, and she unleashed a torrent of tears and anguished cries. Overwhelmed by guilt for causing her distress, I retreated to my solitary bunker, where the dim light offered little solace amidst the weight of unanswered questions.

The sun rose, casting its feeble light upon our desolate existence. The monotonous routine unfolded as roll calls echoed through the bleak corridors, followed by a meager breakfast consumed in silent resignation. The inevitability of the torture cells loomed over us, a constant reminder of the horrors that awaited. Determined to find a way out, I resolved to rely on myself, aware that depending on others had brought us nothing but pain and despair. As I braced myself for the searing heat of the laser, my thoughts turned to Hana, my dear friend, and a surge of determination welled within me. I pondered if there was a way to protect her from the impending agony, if I could somehow tamper with the apparatus or divert the attention of our captors to ensure her safety.

However, to our dismay, the experiment took a sinister turn, plunging us into even deeper despair. Terror gripped our hearts as our captors revealed their sadistic intentions. No longer content with extracting blood, they now resorted to the cruel severing of our fingers. Paralyzed by fear and bound by restraints, I could only watch in horror as the blade descended, one digit at a time. Hana's cries of anguish pierced the air, igniting a furious rage within me. I mustered all the strength I could find and screamed at the heartless doctors, pleading for mercy, for an end to the relentless pain. But my pleas fell on deaf ears, and the merciless butchery continued. Hana, too, fell victim to their merciless blades, her delicate toes now subjected to their sadistic whims. The room became a macabre tableau of blood and suffering, a testament to our extraordinary regenerative abilities. Despite the awe-inspiring sight of Hana's fingers and toes gradually regrowing, defying the natural order, the pain remained unabated, a constant reminder of the horrors we endured.

In the midst of this living nightmare, a figure devoid of empathy approached, a sadistic gleam in his eyes. With ruthless efficiency, he severed three of my fingers, his actions driven by a sick pleasure. Agony erupted within me, coursing through every fiber of my being, and I writhed in excruciating pain. As I attempted to voice my torment, a cruel cuff silenced my cries, leaving me gasping for breath and tears streaming down my anguished face. The room reverberated with the agonized cries of my fellow captives as they, too, were subjected to various tortures – fire, acid, and brutal physical assaults by powerful machines.

Amidst this unrelenting torment, the absence of Hana filled us with a growing sense of dread. Day after day, we endured the agonizing routine, dragged to the dreaded abduction room where we were bound tightly, stripped of any semblance of control over our own bodies. Through a small partition, I caught fleeting glimpses of the adjacent laboratory, where Hana was confined. Relief washed over me at the sight of her, a flicker of hope amidst the suffocating darkness. We became resolute in our shared mission to escape this hellish existence, to defy our captors and reclaim our freedom.

As the chapter drew to a close, the specter of pain and suffering loomed over us, woven into the fabric of our existence. Yet, within this tapestry of despair, glimmers of resilience and determination emerged, pushing us ever closer to the elusive promise of liberation.