File 10 - Girls fight

ㄝㄕAs Niel got out of the jeep, a clone approached him.

"Where did you disappear?" asked Niel.

The young man instantly recognized that the clone walking up to him was Teresa. The number 00 in the girl's Safety Suit wasn't easy to forget.

Niel became more aware of that number after seeing the other clones have different numbers in their Safety Suits.

"You don't need to know. Now, follow me."

Teresa turned around and started walking. Seeing that behavior, Niel sighed before finally moving his legs.

Never did he expect, Zero Nine to overtake him from the side. The girl who always called him bird's brain approached Teresa at a quick pace.

"Wait!" Zero Nine shouted. Anger can be felt from her voice.

However, either not hearing the shout or deliberately ignoring Zero Nine, Teresa did not stop. She continued walking towards her destination.

"I said wait! Bitch!"

When she heard the insults, Teresa stopped. She turned to look at the face of one of her sisters.

"What do you want?"

Teresa wanted an answer. But unfortunately, what she got was...


A strong slap landed on Teresa's right cheek. The girl lost her balance and staggered to the side for two steps.

The event that had just happened made 3A massage his forehead. 7G who also saw the event immediately crouched down, she closed her eyes and closed her ears using her middle finger. Niel froze because he didn't know what to do. As for the NL Series, they did their job as usual as if the exchange between Teresa and Zero Nine had never happened.

Ignoring the pain in her cheek and not changing her expression at all, Teresa looked back at Zero Nine.

"What do you want?" She asked Zero Nine once more without any change in her voice.

"... I want you to give our sister orders to leave this facility. I want an evacuation to be done right now!"

"I can't grant your plea. There are many resources in this facility. I don't want to just throw it away."

Teresa's explanation made Zero Nine grit her teeth. "Have you never thought about our sister?"

"You've repeated that question 1,207.1-"

Zero Nine didn't let Teresa finish her words. She strangled that 00 Series and lifted her high into the air.

"Give me the Main Authority!"

Knowing something like this was about to happen, 3A sighed. 3A always hopes that Zero Nine will always be as obedient as when in the middle of a mission when she faced their eldest sister.

But, after seeing what was happening now, that wish seemed never to come true.

And A3 knew, her eldest sister wouldn't give up the Main Authority to Soul Series. The Main Authority must be operated without the so-called human emotions. Therefore, there was no possibility that Teresa would give the Main Authority to Soul Series like them.

"Unfortunately, sister Zero Nine is not the NL Series. She'll have a chance to inherit the Main Authority if she's one of them," whispered 3A as she watched the situation get worse. "It's time to break up their fight."

3A makes a decision. But, before she could take a step toward her sisters, Niel had already approached them.

"Wait! Wait! What are you doing? Let her go!" cried Niel.

"Don't get close," call out 3A. She wants to help Niel to evade the upcoming danger, but... "Haa..."

Almost at the same time as 3A sighed, Niel was thrown into the air. The youth got a powerful kick from Zero Nine right in his face.

"Ouch! That must hurt." 3A commented as she saw what had happened to Niel on the way to approach her sisters.

The girl wants to break up their fight. However, before she could do anything, Teresa had already apprehended Zero Nine!

Teresa give a counterattack by seizing the opportunity that arose when Zero Nine kicked Niel. The slight loss at Zero Nine's hands that strangle her neck was more than enough for Teresa to break free then apprehend Zero Nine.

"Damn it! Let me go!" commanded Zero Nine who was now being be pressed to the floor by Teresa's legs.

Ignoring the cry, Teresa looks at 3A. "Take those handcuffs on the top of the black box for me."

3A nodded and turned to pick up the item Teresa wanted. She didn't dare to defy the order after seeing the unusual behavior her eldest sister had done.

It's so rare to see Teresa giving a counterattack. Normally, she always lets Zero Nine do anything to her body. And that included the act of Zero Nine to cut her neck.

"These are the handcuffs you want, oldest sister."

Before Teresa received the handcuffs from 3A, she give a strong stomp to Zero Nine's back.


Teresa wanted to make sure that Zero Nine couldn't escape. A moment later, Zero Nine's wrists were firmly handcuffed.

After removing her leg from Zero Nine's back, Teresa said, "Bring Soul Series number nine to her room, I'll lock her up for some time."

3A nodded then helped Zero Nine stand up.

"It's so rare for you to give a fight. What do you want?" Zero Nine asked Teresa.

"I don't want anything. I did it because you deserve punishment. I need to remind you, you have violated pact number one hundred one. You must not damage any property belonging to me other than the 00 Series clone."

"Bitch! You think that man is yours!"


"You're really a bitch!"

"3A, do your job."

"I understand." 3A nodded before pulling Zero Nine's arm gently. "Sister Zero Nine, let's go to your room."

Without saying a word, Zero Nine walked away with 3A. The two of them then pick up 7G. And in the end, the three of them go to Zero Nine's room together.

As for Teresa, she walked over to Niel for a moment later to stopped and turned around to look at Zero Nine.

"Zero Nine! Your pocket money is minus thirty percent for this month."

"I don't care!" replied Zero with a loud shout. The girl was so furious.

Niel got a headache after seeing the drama between the clones. The fight between two girls with the same face was a completely foreign concept to him.

"You all are very colorful," Niel said to Teresa who was standing in front of him.

Teresa was a beautiful girl. But now, Niel's attention wasn't on the girl's face, the young man glanced at the scar on the girl's neck. The scar became more visible after she got a second choke.

"Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on Teresa, don't feign ignorance. Your neck was injured, don't you feel anything?"

"There was a bit of discomfort on my neck. I say, something like this won't disturb my action," Teresa said. Then stroke her neck slowly. After that, the girl turned around and started walking away. "Follow me, your close-quarter combat training is waiting."