In a forest in Kleevland stood four men with masks on their faces.

" The boss said we should only, kidnap him and not harm him are we clear?" a man who seemed to be their leader said. " Don't underestimate him he's a skilled warrior" he added.

They took their positions waiting for the carriage they were supposed to ambush. Two carriages passed by and the other three men waited for their leaders signal, which didn't come until the third carriage passed. Their leader shot an arrow at the coachman.

Darren was in the carriage, taking a nap since he hadn't slept properly for 3 days until the carriage stopped abruptly. Making his way out of the carriage he wondered if the coachman had a death wish for disturbing his sleep, but then he stopped at the door of the carriage noticing how awfully quiet the place was. He finally stepped down to see his coach man dead on the ground, which made him shake his head in disappoinment. "He didn't even put up a fight" he whispered. Cutting the horse loose he attempted to get on it when a man tried to nab him from behind. Darren quickly moved to the side before the man's hand could reach him as he had already deciphered his move, making the man lose his balance. Darren took hold of the man's arm and twisted it in the opposite direction and said. "Who ever you are, you disappoint me, if you wanted to fight me, you could have just aimed at me directly, why did you have to kill the poor man, you cost me a coachman what do you have to say?" Darren said in a mocking tone when the other three men came out from their hiding spots to attack him.

" What do we have here, your friends here are here to help you, hmm, that warms my heart" Darren said twisting the man's hand further for the man to groan in pain.

"Ahh,... let me go" the man pleaded, but Darren was having non of it.

"Don't just stand there, get him" their leader said.

Seeing them charge towards him, Darren twisted the man's hand further pushing him to the ground and kicked the hand which caused it to make a crack sound. He pulled his sword from his side to quickly block the sword which was swinged at him.


Swords clashed together in the air and in no time Darren had killed two of them. Now the only ones left was their leader and the man with the broken arm.

"Seriously?, that's it?" Darren said to the man who lay on the ground in pain.

Their leader making use of the bow in his hand and shot an arrow towards Darren, who quickly dodged it. The man kept on shooting arrows at him and Darren would either dodge or block it with his sword, he finally reached close to the man taking the bow and threw it away, the man pulled out his own sword and they started fighting Darren noticed this man was skilled but not skilled enough and before he could strike again, Darren knocked him down. Realizing he couldn't beat Darren, he ran away and Darren did not bother to follow him but instead turned to the man who was

still laying on the ground and said" You really need to rethink your choice of friends, a man is really the company he keeps. Two dead and one scurried away, tsk. And you? why are you still on the ground? couldn't you have taken the opportunity to run while I was busy" Darren asked the man

"How can I run with the pain you've inflicted on my arm, you son of a bi* .... ahhh" the man cried out in pain as Darren kicked his arm again.

" Yeah,on your arm, not your legs, so now will you kindly tell me who sent you?"

"I don't know anything"

"Really now, so you're just a dog on a leash being pulled every where?, as much as I'd like to keep the conversation going, I have to be somewhere so any last wishes?" Darren asked the man

" I answered your question, why do you want to kill me" the man asked him with a terrified expression

" Hmm,why? You delayed my journey, cost me a coachman and again you have no use. Even if I let you go the people who sent you, will kill you and I don't want to give them that satisfaction now, do I? Darren said and in a second he slit the man's throat. Taking his hanker chief, he cleaned his sword, got on the horse and rode away.

Reaching his destination which was Silverland he went to speak to someone in the nearby village, about a job he had asked the man to do.

"Did you get what I asked?" Darren asked the skinny blonde haired man who stood in front of him.

" Yes sir" the man replied handing a parchment to Darren.

"You did good Elias, now prepare a carriage for me to head back to Kleevland" .

Kleevland was located in the east of Silverland, a two our hour journey at most, but the encounter he had on his way made him one hour late. It was already about three, o'clock he had to get home early or his mom was going to have a heart attack.

Ever since the king wanted to step down from his position, life-threatening accidents seemed to be happening a lot around Darren. Though not many people know about Killian's condition but some of those who knew were plotting against the royal house hold. Darren was obviously going to take the throne but he was not one to be manipulated, so those who wanted to rule the Kingdom would not have a chance, Killian on the other hand will die pretty soon making it easier for them to ascend the throne.

"I'll do that right away Prince Darren" the man called Elias bowed and left him.

Darren went outside to get some fresh air and as he walked through the streets, he could feel the eyes which were watching him. He is handsome after all, and he doesn't mind at all. He's so used to women staring at him.

"Hahaha", a group of girls giggled as he walked past them.

Going further, he caught sight of a girl who was entering a carriage. It was a golden brown eyed brunette lady. When their eyes locked, they stared at each other for a while before Henry asked the coachman to hurry up to Myrlaine mansion.

Darren smiled as he watched the carriage leave.

" Your highness the carriage is ready" Elias who had been looking for him after he didn't find him at his house said.

Without a word Darren went towards the carriage and head back to Kleevland.


" Please can we go a little faster than this?" Adriele asked. She had promised Cynthia to come home early and get some rest before the party but it was already clocking three and she was no were near home.

" We're going as fast as we can Lady Adriele" Henry replied. "We'll reach the mansion in no time".

" Thanks" Adriele said to have Henry give a curt's bow.

On arriving the mansion gate, still a little way off she could see Cynthia at the door of the mansion, with a look that screamed *You broke your promise*

" It's about three o'clock" Cynthia said to Adriele as she got down from the carriage, " The party begins at four, when will you get some rest?"

"I'm sorry nanny" she said giving Cynthia a playful hug.

" Why are you sorry, it's your body which is going to wear out, not mine"

" But nanny"

" What but? You..."

"Scolding a kid on her birthday, that's not right now, is it? a tall brown haired man who looked like he was in his late twenties said with a smile.

"Francis!!!" Adriele yelled in excitement, going to give him a tight hug.

It was her body guard, he had been appointed by the King for some top secret mission and has been away for four months.

"Well your princess here, hasn't been sleeping well"

" Really? then that means you're not doing a good job, but don't worry 'Francis' is here now every thing will be alright" He said giving Cynthia a wink who seemed not bothered with what he just said about her cause she was already used to his taunting words

Just then a royal carriage was spotted at the door and out came the queen of Silverland. Everyone who was present there bowed their heads to her to show respect.

"Good afternoon your majesty" Francis said.

" Good afternoon Francis, I see you made it to the party"

" I won't miss it for the world" Francis said

"Won't you give your aunt a hug" she was referring to Adriele.

" Good afternoon aunt" she said giving her a hug. Her parents were friends with the royal family, after their demise Adriele had moved to the palace for five years and she just got back recently.....