You Again?!

It was dinner time in the palace of Silverland and the king was seated at the head of the table Killian at his right, the Queen in the left while Derick sat at the other end of the table then the other seats were occupied by his other kids, four daughters and one more son who was the youngest at the table.

" How is the meal Prince Killian," Queen Eleanor asked

" Wonderful your majesty, when I eat it I feel a sense of motherly love," Killian said enjoying every bit of the meal.

" I cooked the meal, " Eleanor said

" Then I must say you're an exceptional cook, your majesty," he said with a slight curtsy bow.

" Thanks for the compliment"

Noticing the girls at the table were barely eating but were busy staring at him he said " Anything wrong?"

The Oldest Salma said" Nothing your highness, we just wanted to know if you'd like my mom's cooking" and the others agreed to it. Killian very well knew why they were staring at him, he had noticed it from the maids when he first got here and the first time he met the sisters. But unlike his *Shameless and Childish* younger brother, he won't directly point out how handsome he was and that he won't doubt the fact that they couldn't keep their eyes off him. He was more gentle and thoughtful in approaching a situation. But he couldn't help but feel sorry for the girls who are drooling over him, they'll be left shattered when he dies. And he sometimes thought what if they knew about his condition, will they still act the same way with him? or will they treat him as sickling?. 'I'll be dead before I know that he thought to himself.

The next day while Darren was still on his way to the palace Adriele had received a letter from Queen Eleanor, her aunt. It was an invitation to the King and Queen's anniversary.

And she prepared to depart for the journey later in the day.

While at the palace Killian was in the study with King Norman Khan having a private conversation about the wedding.

" Has Darren accepted the marriage?" King Norman asked to have Killian shake his head

" No, your majesty but I brought him here to see them, he might change his mind, he is fun of that anyway."

" Yes that's right and you don't have to use formalities when we're alone, I've known you since you were born, you can call me uncle," King Norman said

" Ok, uncle, Norman "

" That's better."

Killian had gone on a tour of the palace with Derick and was talking about their history and also political matters, when Salma approached them, " Derick why are you keeping our guest out in this scorching sun?" she asked her brother. " Your highness, it will be preferable for you to go inside, we don't want any complaints about our hospitality by your people, now do we?"

Killian just smiled at her and nodded his head. Derick on the other hand had work to do, so he excused himself and went on his way.

Walking through the garden, Salma indulged in a conversation talking about the marriage.

" I heard from my father about the renewal of the treaty between our kingdoms," Salma said

" Yes, Princess Salma"

" What are the requirements for the treaty to be signed," Salma asked, not that she didn't know about the marriage but she wanted to talk about the marriage with him. To her, choosing her for the marriage will make perfect sense since she is the oldest amongst her other sisters.

" A marriage between the two Kingdoms"

" Oh, so I guess you guys came to choose your bride, correct?"

" Well in a way, yes"

" Will you think I am nosey if I asked if you've already, chosen your bride and who it is if yes"

" Let the gods forbid if I ever think of such, the beautiful princess of Silverland can't be nosey, I understand that you're just looking out for yourself, your siblings and your people which I greatly admire you for that" Killian said. Just to please her, there was no way she wouldn't know about the marriage, she is the oldest after all, but he just went on with the game. But he doubted she knew Darren was the one getting married and he was also the one to ascend the throne.

Hearing this Salma blushed furiously" You don't have to praise me so much your highness, but thanks for the compliment"

By now they were already in front of the door of the palace, Killian bowed to her and left to his room, Salma returned, and she left feeling happy that she had accomplished something today and had won the admiration of the Prince. 'I'll be the Queen of Cleveland in no time' Salma thought to herself while she walked away smiling from ear to ear.

Later that night Darren arrived in the palace and went straight to his room. Since dinner had already been served he was served dinner in his room.

" So did you get the thief," Killian asked

" Not yet, but soon"

"Then I'm very excited to meet this person, who's keeping you on your toes then.

" I'm not being kept on my toes I just want to play with my prey first before attacking it"

" Crazy, but don't do anything stupid, this is not your kingdom" Killian reminded him.

" I won't don't bother"

" You better, good night then," Killian said and walked out of the room.

The next morning after breakfast Darren had already noticed how many fans he had since he walked in here last night he could feel the eyes that were watching him and unlike Killian who just walked away, he smiled at them making them blush pink.

Killian came to his brother's room to see him all dressed up. " Where are you going to all dressed up," he asked

" To watch a play with Princess Clarisse"

" Woah! I need to give you an award for popularity growth"

" Thanks".

Darren was dressed in blue trousers and a white shirt, his hair combed backward and right now, he was struggling to tie his tie.

Killian seeing him struggle went to help him and while tieing the tie Killian said" This is one of the reasons you need to get a wife so she can do this for you" trying to convince him about the marriage.

" And this is the reason we have servants" Darren retorted.

" Your mind is already made up, right?" Killian asked as if he didn't know the answer to his question and Darren just shrugged. " Have fun and take care of her" Killian said to Darren knowing fully well what his brother could do to get out of this marriage issue.

" Don't look at me like that, I won't do anything"

" For your good, I hope you don't, and don't forget to talk to Merlia once we get back"

" Yeah, yeah, I will" and with that, he left Killian in the room and went downstairs to see Clarisse beside the carriage waiting for him.

" Did you wait long?" Darren asked

" No, not at all" Clarisse replied. But it was a lie, she had been waiting for almost forty-five minutes.

" Shall we?" Darren said, pointing at the carriage door which had been opened by the coachman. Clarisse nodded and got in.

It was the time of night and the play was over, Darren and Clarisse were making their way out of the theater when they saw a father-daughter duo exiting the theater, with the excitement on the little girl's face, you could tell it was her first time here and she was happy about it

Clarisse on the other hand wasn't happy about it and she looked at them with disgust " Peasant's am I right? She said

Darren turned to look at the father-daughter duo. As if not understanding what she meant he said" what do you mean?"

" By the looks of it, they can't afford a square meal but are spending on what is not meant for them, who pathetic"

" Hmmm, you have quite an attitude for a royal, a princess at that" Darren said bluntly

" What do you mean by that," Clarisse asked with a slightly aggravated look.

" Just saying, isn't a princess supposed to be more compassionate, especially for her people?"

" Are you calling me a heartless person"

"No, I dare not, your highness. Just saying the lively hood of the natives of a Kingdom depends on the Kingdom's income and the kingdom's income depends on how the palace manages its treasury, don't you think, your highness" Darren bowed and got into the carriage. Clarisse who had gripped the corners of her dress in anger finally let go, in a way he was correct and she didn't want to embarrass herself more by pushing the conversation further.

The ride back to the palace was a quiet one and immediately they reached Darren didn't bother to help her get down but instead got out and headed to his room. Clarisse was not pleased with how the day went, she high hopes after the play Darren and her they have a fresh start and begin the first step in their relationship, but it did not go as planned. With a dissatisfied expression, she walked towards her room only to notice a room door to her left, had been opened, and she knew who exactly owned this room. Diverting and heading towards the open room her suspicions were affirmed when she saw her mother talking to * that mother's love thief * as she called Adriele. Although Eleanor had tried her best to give her children equal love and attention, some of them still felt they didn't have to share with Adriele and Clarisse was one of them. Not wanting to ruin her day more, she walked away from there without a word.

" I'm so glad you could make it," Eleanor said,

" Not an issue at all aunt I won't miss your anniversary for all the money in the world"

"Really, now? Eleanor asked with a look that screamed * if you were given all the money in the world, will you even remember your name?* "Anyway, I see you're tired, get some rest, good night" she said and placed a kiss on her cheeks.

" Good night aunt and please tell his majesty I'll see him tomorrow."

"I will" and she closed the door.

When Eleanor left, Adriele got up from the bed towards the patio doors, opening them she felt the wind blow gently over her skin, with her eyes closed, and when she opened them her eyes met with that of a man who looked oddly familiar. It was the man who called her a weakling a few days ago. What is he doing here? she thought to herself. After Darren went to his room and he was reading a document when he came out for some fresh air only to see the " BOLD GIRL" with her eyes closed feeling the cool breeze. Seeing that she had noticed him, he gave her a wide smile and Adriele turned away from there and went back into the room...