" Your Majesty," a man said bowing to King Jerome.

" Yes, Elder Phills, how was your journey to the border, you know since Darren came back negative reports from the border have not been heard"

" Yes, your Majesty, Prince Darren did a good job in the last few years, but during my time there I got some intel that Lakewiston are planning a comeback war on Kleevland and they are going all out. Your Majesty, when will Prince Darren get married and renew the treaty so we can have the army of Silverland join forces with ours" Elder Edgar said.

" The marriage will commence as soon as possible" Jerome sternly said.

" Long live Your Majesty " Elder Edgar said and the other elders responded with a " Long Live"


Back in Silverland the Prince's had departed for Kleevland and Adriele rode with them. They traveled with four carriages, the first one with their things, the second with gifts from Silverland to Kleevland the third with Killian in it, and the fourth had Adriele and Darren in it. Adriele didn't want to come with Darren but he insisted and the Queen accepted.

" Here you go, Prince," she said handing over to him a little bottle she removed from the pocket of her dress

" Is this it?" Darren said with a disappointed look

" What do you mean by is this it?, finding all the ingredients in a short period is not easy, you're lucky I always have a batch of plants with me."

" Ok..., So how does it work?"

" The person has to add a spoonful of it in his water and take after a meal, 'precisely dinner', he/she has to take it at night. A little warning, he should never take it on an empty stomach or the consequences will be dire."

Darren who just stared at her all through the explanation surprised her with his question

" Why don't you come with me to Kleevland and look after the person yourself?" He said looking directly into her eyes, she felt like he was trying to find her soul. The question caught Adriele off-guard and she staggered back for a moment 'how did I get from curing a disease to living with him ' she thought to herself, now she was sure this man had a few loose screws in his head with the way he just casually asked her like he had a right to her.

" What happened to me not been concerned with the patient," she said trying to not sound annoyed by his proposal

" Well, I changed my mind, and who better cater for the patient than you?"

" A doctor, your highness" she quickly retorted

" They are useless"

" You haven't tested my product yet how do you know if it's any better than theirs"

" I have faith in you, so are you coming or what?"

" No, your highness, I do not think so." and she quickly turned away from him and looked out the window. For the rest of the trip, they didn't speak to each other but she could not help take note of the looks he gave her previously like he had something wicked in store for her before he looked away.

Adriele arrived home late at night in another carriage she had taken on her way while the princes continued their journey. At her arrival, Cynthia gave her a big hug and led her to her room where she washed up and went to bed.

While in Kleevland Darren had done as per Adriele's instructions.

" So your thief said it will work?" Killian said looking at the bottle in his hands.

" Not as a cure but a maintenance" Darren replied

" And you trusted him," Killian asked with furrowed brows.

" It's just faith"

" Okay, but I have gotten weaker"

" I noticed "

" Okay, go on"

" This is my room, where do you want me to go to?"

" You promised you were going to talk to Merlia when we got back, you know she acts that way because she misses you"

" And wants the throne?" Darren questioned him furrowing his eyebrows

" Darren..."

" Alright, I'll talk to her tomorrow" noticing Killian was giving him a look of uncertainty said "hey don't give me that look, I don't want to further destroy our relationship by disturbing her beauty rest "

" Hmmm,"


It has been two weeks since they returned to Kleevland and Killian's health had greatly improved, he felt a bit stronger, and the pain he would normally have in his head had been repressed though, it would shoot up once in a while, it was bearable. He was in the study with his parents and they could tell he was looking better.

"I noticed you look healthier lately, is it the medicine Darren brought back home" his mother Queen Delia asked happily that her son was doing better.

" Yes mom"

"Is there a way we can get a cure?" King Jerome asked which had Delia look at her son with hopeful eyes. " I would be more at ease knowing the kingdom is under you than your brother"

Killian chuckled at his father's statement and said" Sorry dad but you'll have to see him become King for there is no cure as of now" which had his father let out a sigh and he laughed out loud.

On the other hand, Darren had gone to Silverland to see Adriele as the liquid in the bottle was almost finished and as expected she was just wrapping up the class, and rather than stay outside to wait for her Darren went in. He was greeted by the father who reckoned he was from a well-off family with the way he was dressed but he could never imagine it was a prince. Seeing him enter from afar Adriele rushed to him and pulled him by the hand, outside at the back of the Church.

" Woah, I didn't know you missed me so much for you to be so excited to see me and hold me so tight," Darren said with a grin

" What are you saying?" she asked when Darren looked at her hand which was still holding his and she quickly let go

" What are you doing here?"

" I came to pray"

" Are there not churches in Kleevland?"

" Well, I wanted to pray here today cause I know my prayers could only be answered here, what? are you disappointed I didn't come to meet you"

" Of course, not, I'd be happy if it was so"

"To fulfill your thoughts, I'll talk to you." Adriele rolled her eyes " So far so good your medicine has been working and now I want a cure"

" I've told you, your highness, it has passed the time duration to be cured and I don't have contact with the host to know what to do next"

" So what do I have to do, to make sure you come with me and prepare a cure?"

" Nothing, your highness, I'm not obligated to " she mumbled the last sentence but Darren heard

" Not your obligation right, hmmm," he said with a look that was hatching an evil plan. Then he added you will

" You..." and before she could finish he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him and he gaped directly into her eyes.

" Your Highness and wo..women are supposed to keep a distance" Adriele stuttered

" Oh, really now, you're behaving coy now, said the girl who shamelessly dragged me to the back of the Church which is isolated. tsk"

"Just wait for me, I'll get you to go with me " he leaned down and gave her a peck on her cheek " to keep you going until we meet and this time you won't need to wait for me to come to meet you, you'll see me anytime you want" And he left her standing there flustered.

' Does this man have no shame?' Adriele thought to herself. And what does he mean by I'll see him anytime I want? Who wants to see him in the first place? tsk


Arriving in Kleevland Darren went to the study to see his father. Jerome and Killian were in the study preparing the marriage proposal to be sent to Silverland, they had chosen Salma, the Eldest Princess when Darren barged in on them." You're right on time" his father said seeing him. " We're preparing your marriage proposal, we have chosen Salma for you."

" Salma? Jeez, dad, she is older than I am for God's sake" Darren complained not bothered about the marriage he had strongly decided against.

" Well, we won't have had to, if you had just chosen one yourself, so, choose and don't tell me you won't get married cause you..." and before Jerome could finish, Darren said " I will" which left them dumbfounded, the room was quiet for about two minutes when Killian broke the silence and said," Darren this is not a joke, you always said you won't get married and now you want to?"

" It's not like you guys listened when I said no right, and what can I say I changed my mind, I will get married under one condition"

" As far as you do you can tell us anything"

" I get to choose my bride" and his father nodded for him to continue " I won't get married to any of the princesses but someone of noble status, she is my choice"

" Impossible, what higher nobility, is greater than that of the Royal Family? And what do you think King Norman will think when he hears none of his daughters were chosen?" Jerome said with a displeased look

" Well, that is not my problem, if I can't get the one I want you guys can forget about the marriage, and trust me Dad he will accept the girl I chose." This only enraged his father more and Killian just dragged Darren out of there before things got worse.