Yes, I Do...

In the throne room sat only both Kings, Killian and Darren, and now her and Derick. The King motioned for her to sit beside Darren and she did.

" They are going to ask you if you accept the marriage or not, and for your sake and the sake of your Kingdom, you better say yes. You know about the renewal of the treaty right?" Darren whispered to her

The little smile on her face when he said she could choose turned upside down. 'Oh right, the treaty, if I offend this beast and he doesn't choose another bride, the treaty will not be renewed and Silverland will lose a potential ally' Adriele reasoned with herself, 'her mom had always told her to help herself and others but in this case, she can't actually help herself so why not help the others. How hard is it to be a Princess anyway, it's not like she's going to be the Queen.' she shrugged. But little did she know that her life was going to change from here on.

And as he said, she was called privately by the Kings and was asked if she gives her consent to the union and swallowing the anger that was rising in her throat, she said " Yes, I do give my consent to the marriage, Your majesties " she bowed and went back to sit with the others. Darren didn't bother to inquire about what happened, she was not stupid to say no and he had known her to be someone who feels for her people. Especially with the look on her face, he could tell she went against herself.

When the Kings came out some of the elders were already present and they discussed the date of the marriage and the signing of the treaty. Adriele took an excuse and left them. Reaching her room she found Cynthia inside and couldn't help sobbing on her lap. She iterated the whole scenario to her and how she accepted the marriage and Cynthia comforted her.

" Don't tell Francis I don't support the marriage, okay?" she said to Cynthia, Francis was impulsive and she didn't want him getting hurt because of her. Cynthia understood and nodded. But what they didn't know was that since last night, he had been paying attention to Adriele's expression and he could tell that she was not happy with it. Now that she had accepted there's nothing anyone can do, but he will follow her to Kleevland and be her bodyguard.

A few days later, after the marriage had been made known to the public through their engagement party. King Norman and his family went back to Kleevland while Adriele went back to her home in Silverland, waiting for her faith.


In a house close to the forest in Kleevland, you could hear a glass shatter on the floor

" What happened? I thought you said, Darren will not agree to the marriage, well he did, what do you have to say about it now?" said the man from Lakewiston.

" Calm down, Mr. Silas" Elder Edgar said with a reassuring smile. " Mr. V still says everything is on point," immediately he said this the others began to stare at him and murmured within themselves, *what does he mean by all is on point?* then one mustered up some courage and said " Mr. Edgar we don't understand you"

yes, yes the others agreed

" Well, I would have told you the plan but I don't trust you guys enough," Mr. Edgar cooly said

The man who had asked him got furious, why were they not allowed to know the plan they were all in this together right? " Hey, men, should we keep listening to them? we all are going to take part in this we deserve to know what is going on too, am I right? the man said to have the others foolishly agree with him.

" We won't allow you to use and lead us as sheep's," he said pointing in Edgar's direction, and before the man could continue his speech a sword was thrust into him from behind and he bled profusely, fell to the ground, on his knees before he finally past out and died. Everyone in the room gasped and the room became silent after a while. Cleaning his sword with a piece of clothing Mr. Edgar asked " Anyone have an issue with my leadership?" but no one dared to answer. They all feared for their lives and Edgar smiled with satisfaction, he had successfully instilled fear of him in the mind of these people with his actions today. Now no one will dare go against him or Mr. V


A few days later, in Kleevland, Darren had asked for Adriele to come over and live there for some time before the wedding. Apparently, his reason was * she should get to know her environment if she is supposedly the next Queen* but that wasn't the truth he had no interest in becoming King, he wanted her to come over so he can tell her about Killian and get him a cure as soon as possible. He knows that immediately he gets married the throne will be handed to him sooner or later and he wasn't in for it.

" But wouldn't it be unfair to Adriele to take her away from her home so soon?" Jerome asked Darren

" It's ok, she can go and visit her family anytime after the wedding"

" You forget she is going to be Queen, she won't have that much freedom with that title will she" Jerome questioned

" It's only a week" Darren added

" Ok, I see what is going on, but I never thought you were one to miss someone especially a girl so much," Delia said with a smile and nudged her husband. While Darren just shrugged.

" Okay, I will send a letter to King Norman to ask for his permission," Jerome said

" Thanks your Majesty" Darren said and walked out of the room

" Young couples, they know nothing about patience" Jerome sighed

" You're one to talk, who did he take after?" Delia said, seeing him shy away from the conversation she said " I remember you sending me letters every day even when I asked you to stop"

" But you loved it," Jerome said and Delia gave him a playful punch on his arm. They were such a happy and lovely young couple, one time one of his letters sent to Delia was received by her dad he threw a fit. It was an unfortunate time for them, she was in trouble, she was even accused of seducing the crown Prince when the matter had blown out of proportion. To rectify this, the King had decreed Jerome's marriage with another girl and she was heartbroken, but Jerome didn't give up on her, though he was very playful, he was one to stick to his decisions. He found a way and made a deal with his father that if he fulfils it he can marry whoever he chose.

" I never thought I'd get married so quick but I wouldn't have had it any other way," Delia said staring at her husband and Jerome kissed her and said " Me either" then he added

" Ouch, "

" What?" Delia asked with a confused look

" I remembered the slap you gave me the first time I kissed you" he teased

" Then you should not have kissed me without my permission, that's called stealing you know" she retorted. ' But you want Darren to change, where did he get it from? tsk,' she thought to herself. They spent their time reminiscing about the good old days.


The letter was sent to Silverland and King Norman agreed and Adriele was supposed to head for Kleevland today.

" Go to Kleevland??!" Adriele said fuming mad with the letter in her hands, she had read it yesterday but couldn't believe it and read it again this morning to convince herself it was a command of her King, though in her mind she knew it was Darren's plan to force her to make a cure and she had told him she could not do it.

" It was a gesture from the Kleevland King, so you can better know your environment before you get married" Cynthia tried to calm her down

" From the King, tsk I bet it was that man's idea. He already had me accept the marriage and it's going to take place in a month, can't he give me some time to breathe?" she asked frustrated.

" It's going to be okay"

" I hope so"

" The carriage is here" Francis interrupted the two " I've already arranged your stuff inside the carriage, let's go"

"Where are you going to?"

" To be your bodyguard," Francis said giving her a look that said *like you don't know?*

" But the King had sent a lot of bodyguards for her"

" Aww, I'm not gone yet, but you already miss me so much? Anyway, I am going with you no one knows you as I do, and did you think I'll let you go into a strange land alone, did you? I don't trust anyone over there"

" It's okay, I can take care of myself. Stay here with Cynthia and watch over the house for me" Adriele said to him. Cynthia wanted to go with her but she refused to ask her to stay and take care of her home.

" Nice try, but I have already made my decision, let's go," Francis said as he walked towards the carriage.

" But..."

"Let him come with you dear, I'll be more relaxed if I know you are with someone you know. At least you won't be alone in a foreign land" Cynthia tried to coax her and she accepted, nodding her head, and got into the carriage.

After a few hours of being in the carriage, they had arrived in Kleevland at around sunset but had not yet reached the palace. In the palace, Delia and Merlia had been preparing everything needed for her arrival, the servants were lined up at the entrance ready to receive her. The butler of the palace was talking to some other servants, instructing them on what to do.

In the carriage, as they approached the Palace Adriele was stunned by what she saw, though the palace was a bit further away from the villages and towns, you could see it a mile away due to its height and unique infrastructure. It was surrounded by a forest with very tall trees, there was a river in the path which went all around the palace. Many say the river has crocodiles in it and it's a defense system of the Palace. The palace was fenced all around with creeping grasses and flowers of many colors. There were guards stationed at the gate and they let down a large wooden board like a gate so the carriage could pass over the water and into the Palace. Inside the Palace premises, she saw even more guards at every corner *, Of course, there will be so many guards, it's the royal family's abode any way* Adriele thought to herself and if she thought the outside was beautiful scenery then inside the gate was an incredible one there was a beautiful fountain overflowing with water and there were birds, birds of different colors which sat on the sides of the fountain singing melodious songs. Her eyes trailed as far as they could go and see.

" Welcome Lady Adriele" a voice interrupted her thoughts, she realized herself and noticed that the carriage door had been held open by Francis, taking his hand to help her down. As she stepped out, she saw another man standing beside Francis, from the way he was dressed, one could tell he was the butler of this Castle, and as the carriage rode away, the man signaled the other servants and they quickly bowed their heads and said in a chorus " Welcome to Kleevland Lady Adriele, we are at your dispensation and we hope you have a wonderful stay in Kleevland" and they left to do some other work

" Future daughter in law, welcome, you must be tired" a female's voice came from behind...