Don't Be Scared Sweetness, I'm here with you

Knowing this, Darren could not help but laugh, which annoyed her even more " Don't worry sweetness I won't do anything "

Adriele's face was red with embarrassment. "So, what do you want?"

"I just came to check on you, I can't believe this you didn't see me yesterday and you weren't even worried? tsk tsk, what a caring fiancee" Darren said in a sarcastic tone

"As if I asked to be your fiancee? not like I could say it out loud, this man might marry me today itself and..." she shivered at the thought of what could happen after the wedding. Noticing her spaced out, he asked "What is going on in that head of yours? Thinking of how to murder me?"

" No, I couldn't think of such, your Highness" she replied respectfully and trying to hide her true feelings from him.

"Anyway, hurry up and freshen up we have to go somewhere"

" Where to?"

"You'll know when you get there" seeing her hesitate, he raised his brows and asked, "Well, won't you get ready?"

"I can't get dressed with you here, can I?"

"Well, why not, you could just go to the bathroom if you're shy. What do you have to lose, we'll be married in a matter of weeks, then you'll have no reason to hide"


Adriele blushed red in embarrassment at this man's unfiltered words, she gritted her teeth and said "Please leave, your Highness, we may be engaged but not married yet. People will talk if they found out you were in the room while I was getting dressed and again it's inappropriate" she tried to convince him to leave once more. And Darren not wanting to trouble her more since they were getting late to where they were supposed to go and besides, he would be able to provoke her later.

"Ok, I am going now" he winked at her, headed for the door, and left the room, immediately he left Naina came in, her head bowed "Good morning my lady"

"Good morning, Naina, why didn't you wake me up when Prince Darren came?"

"I apologize for my negligence my Lady I went to get the requirements to prepare for you to take your bath, but when I came back he was already at the door and he asked me to go outside and not disturb you two and also to not let anyone disturb either" the maid explained not knowing what her fate was, her mistress had asked her to tell her if she saw Prince Darren anywhere near her room but she couldn't even do it right, but then again, he was the prince how was she supposed to ask him to wait.

Seeing the girl get tensed she said "It's ok, is the bath ready?" she asked trying to lighten up the mood

"Yes, my lady"

After a while, she was done with her bath, she got out, dried herself up, and put on the dress which had been prepared for her by Naina now her hair was left and Naina had got two other maids to help her get ready and they even brought some jewelry and also some other things needed by a woman. *Courtesy of her Majesty Queen Delia for your wellbeing during your stay here* that is what they said.

When she was done and the two extra maids had left, she took a little satchel and put it in her pocket, and signaled to Naina they could go out now and as she approached the dining table the King and Queen were not there yet and she let out a sigh of relief, she didn't know what to say if she was late again, on her way towards the table Merlia just walked into the dining room and she greeted her with a bow which was returned. She also greeted Prince Killian "Good morning, Prince Killian"

"Good morning Adriele, hope you slept comfortably last night, did you face any inconvenience? Tell me and I'll get the maids to attend to it immediately"

"It's okay your Highness, I slept soundly thanks for the concern," she said with a genuine smile. But how couldn't she, her so-called fiance didn't care how she was but only pissed her off.

"Have a seat" a man pulled the chair out for her. She had not seen him yesterday, who is he?

Sensing her confusion he said "Hi, I'm Michael, Michael Vince" Michael said as he took her hand into his and kissed her knuckles "I'm going to be the best man of your husband on your wedding day, I'm kind of an adopted son of the Royal Family and Darren's best friend " he wasn't wrong, the Queen treated him as her son which helped him cope with the loss of his birth mom and his Father's second marriage right after his first wife's death.

"'Nice to meet you, Mr. Vince, I'm Adriele Myrlaine" she

"Just call me Michael and I love your name Adriele, hmmm rare and unique"

"Thank you"

"I see you've met my partner, Michael" Darren said as he sent daggers to Michael who was still holding Adriele's hand. Understanding Darren's expression he wanted to see how far he could go with his possessiveness. Michael didn't let go but squeezed her hand a bit more which made Adriele pull away from him, since Darren came she had been staring at him and the squeeze woke her from her daze. As Micheal pulled the chair for her and motioned for her to seat down Darren instinctively grabbed her by the waist and said "We have somewhere to go, we won't be having breakfast with you guys

" We,won't?" Adriele asked slightly confused and annoyed. She didn't eat well yesterday since she was tired and now she was hungry, but this man said they were not having breakfast?

"Remember I said we were going out today?" Darren said looking directly into her eyes.

"We have to go now?" she whispered which was audible for only him to hear and he nodded. Just then the King and Queen came in and everyone stopped what they were doing and respectfully greeted them and the King said "Good Morning, everyone how was your night?"

They all nodded to answer his question and he caught sight of another rebel son of his "Welcome back, Michael, how was the training?"

"It was good your Majesty"

"So did you like it, will you become one of my generals now?"

"Sorry your Majesty, the training program was a great experience but I still prefer working for the special Royal Force,"

*The Special Royal Force headed by Prince Killian has authority even more than the Royal Army, it is the team that is sent when things go haywire at the battlefront, they also handle top-secret affairs of the Kingdom concerning wars and they have never a battle before. The irony with them is that they're made up of just 40 incredibly skilled men, Darren and Michael included. But are still one of the best warrior teams in the world, and not many know their existence*

"Is that so?" King Jerome asked taking his seat and Michael nodded

"I heard you guys were not going to have breakfast with us, where are you taking my future daughter-in-law to?" Delia asked

"Where we are going to is not the issue here," Darren said in a bored tone

"OK, but if you're not hungry I'm sure Adriele is, she barely ate anything last night" Queen Delia had noticed Adriele not eating yesterday but didn't say anything thinking the girl was tired or feeling homesick and she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

*Thanks your Majesty, tell this son of yours that I am starving.* Adriele thought in excitement. Noticing the glimmer of hope in her eyes he took hold of her hands and squeezed them as a warning and said to his mom "She's okay mom" and Queen Delia looked at Adriele to confirm which caused Darren to squeeze her little hand even more. Adriele had no choice but to accept and she nodded to the Queen and the questioning stopped

"Come back home early," Delia said which Darren nodded to.

As they stepped out of the dining room Adriele was fed up and said "Let go of me, you're hurting me" she said freeing her hands which had become slightly purple after been squeezed so hard by Darren.

"What was that?" Adriele said angrily

"What?" Darren asked as if oblivious of the matter

"Why did you stop me from speaking out my mind?, I'm starving you know? And how much importance does that place carry that we have to go there now?"

"Well, it's your fault you didn't eat, you wasted time getting ready, so it's on you and the place we're going to is more important than your life so just sit quietly and follow me" his expression was cold which sent chills down her spine

Adriele shut her mouth and followed silently behind him. As they reached the door of the palace he asked the butler who was waiting for him there "Is the horse ready?"

"Yes, Prince Darren" the butler answered, and just then a healthy-looking black horse was brought before them. Adriele's jaw dropped, they weren't going to go on horses right? She didn't know how to ride a horse neither was she interested in learning. Her dad had tried to teach her how to ride when she was young but the horse had gone out of control and she fell on her butt which caused her great pain and she didn't dare to get on one again especially after her dad died, no one could coax her, Francis Derrick and even Dennis tried but all was in vain cause every time she saw a horse her butt will sting and she'd remember the pain from that day, which would make her shiver at the thought of getting on a horse's back again.

"Are we going by horse?" she asked worriedly

"Yes, why? You can't ride" Darren asked which she nodded and he let out a sigh and said "It's okay you'll ride with me" and he let down his hand to pull her up, and she was seated in front of him, with his hands around her waist holding the reins and as they were about to go a voice came from behind them "Please wait, your Highness". Adriele recognized that voice, it was Francis. Darren turned the horse around slowly and asked "what do you want"

"Forgive me for intruding but I have to go with you," Francis said

"Why I'm sure I mentioned, we will be going alone," Darren said as he raised his brows

"Your Highness, I was assigned by the King of Silverland to watch over Lady Adriele during her stay here, and I intend on doing so, I apologize for my incompetence towards your highness's words"

"Are you saying I can't watch and protect her?"

"I dare not your highness, just following orders"

"Fine, follow us if you can catch up with us" and with that Darren speedingly left the Palace, and before Francis could get on his horse Killian who had been listening to them stooped him,

"But your highness, Lady Adriele is terrified of horses, and with the way, Prince Darren is speeding she might get traumatized," He said in his defense

"Hmmm, I trust Darren won't let anything happen to her," Killian cooly said. Francis turned to look at the gate, even if he still pursued them, they would have been long gone already...

Darren noticed the girl's nervousness as she closed her eyes and dug her nails into his arms as she held it tightly. He slowed down a bit leaned forward so that his chest was one with her back, she felt his muscles and his hot breath which was above her. He whispered into her ear "Don't be scared sweetness, I'm here with you"

His voice sent shivers down her spine but for some unfathomable reason she felt calm and relaxed her hold on him