A Devil at the War front... A Baby in bed.

Adriele slowly opened her eyes, realizing she had fallen asleep while taking care of him. She woke up and planned to go to the bathroom when she turned and stared at the sleeping man, he looked so gentle and harmless now that she took a close look at him, he was very handsome, she hadn't noticed this before. She then let out a sigh 'If only he was this calm when awake ' with that she freshened up and went downstairs, she met Naina in front of the door immediately she opened it and they went down together.

At the dining table, Delia asked why Darren didn't come down for breakfast.

"Adriele dear, why isn't Darren here?"

This question caught her off guard, how did the Queen find out he was back?

Noticing her puzzled look Killian said, Michael is here so Darren should be around"

"Oh" she pause and said "He is still asleep, Your Majesty, he was very tired last night," she said

"Hmmm" Delia replied

"I'll go check on him," Adriele said as she tried to get to the room but she almost fell but Killian supported her immediately

'Darn, I forgot I had sprained my leg, it's all his fault, if he didn't get sick I would not have had to sleep in such an uncomfortable way, now the pain has resurfaced" Adriele thought to herself as she limped to stand up straight.

"What happened to your leg?" Delia asked worriedly

"Isn't it Darren, he won't let me go, keeping me up all night" she said subconsciously in low voice, almost a whisper but everyone in the room could still hear it, even the maids held the urge to laugh out. Looking up and seeing the eyes which were staring at her she said, "I slipped in the bathroom and sprained my ankle this morning" she quickly explained

Delia just nodded and Adriele walked out of the room back to her room.

"*He was up all night*," Harley said

"*she is limping*," Dennis continued

"*Darren won't let her go*" Michael added and said again "Wow seems like some people are really enjoying their honeymoon" Michael joked.

Adriele was not aware of what she had said and many had misunderstood her, they now thought she limped because she had slept with Darren last night

"It's none of your business" Killian retorted

Clarisse's face was so distorted after hearing this. Since she came she had not had the chance to get close to Darren, he was either not in the palace, or that Michael would ruin her plans. But Adriele was enjoying her time with her man, she couldn't accept this fact,

"He is still asleep, hmph, a devil in the war front but a baby in bed," Jerome said


Michael choked on his meal, what the King just said was hilarious, now he couldn't wait to see Darren and mock him,

Everyone in the room had understood why the King said very well and they laughed out loud. Killian just smiled and continued his meal. He just thought of Darren's face when he hears this, Micheal would definitely not let this one pass. "Oh, my poor brother".

On reaching the room, Adriele couldn't find Darren, he had left.

Not long after Harley and Clarisse came to *check on her*.

"So, Adriele, how was it?" Harley nudged Adriele to tell her what happened between her and Darren last night

"Yeah, tell us everything" Clarisse added, she still hated the fact that they slept together but she was also keen on knowing what Darren was like when having sex so that when the time comes she'll know how to please him.

"Tell you what?" Adriele was confused, she had no idea of what they were saying

"Don't be shy, we're your sisters, if you don't share your experience with us who then will you share it with? And again you have to tell us so we know what to expect when we reach there. So does it hurt?"

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you are talking about"

"Oh!! Adriele Myrlaine, sorry I mean Knightdale, you're impossible. Just tell us how was the night you spent with Prince Darren? How did you seduce him? Did you wear the nightgown I got for you?"

"Oh, so shameless, how can you think of such"

"Yes we're shameless and we won't let you go until you tell us what happened in detail."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but Darren and I have never been together so intimately," Adriele told them casually, she had never kept the fact that Darren had not touched her, they did know she wasn't ready for the marriage and so they understood that Adriele wanted to build a relationship with Darren first before going further and Darren seemed to be reasonable and gave her time.

"Impossible!!!" Harley exclaimed. "But you said, Darren was still asleep, that he was up all night and your feet hurt. You said it was Darren's fault"

Adriele was wide awake now, it just dawned on her what she had said. If Harley and Clarisse came up with this conclusion, then what about the others?

"I've made a total fool of myself in front of the King and Queen," she thought. She wished she could be swallowed up by the ground now.


Harley could not help but laugh when she saw Adriele's flustered look. "The girl didn't even realize what she was saying," she said.

Clarisse on the other hand was very pleased with the discovery. "It won't be difficult to make my Prince forget her now. I can't delay anymore, I will no longer play it safe" she thought with a malicious grin.


Not far away from the Castle at the training grounds, Darren was boiling in anger, he had just learned what had happened during breakfast from Micheal, who was still laughing, a laugh of mockery.

"WHAT!!!, she said that?" Darren fumed.

"No, but that's what she was implying and Uncle put it in the best way, A devil at the war front, but you're such a baby in bed. Just a night riding your wife and you were so tired that you slept in and woke up so late" Micheal said. "But I really have to give it to you, you were badly hurt yesterday but you could still perform so well that you made her limp. Hahaha," ... "Ouch" Killian hit him with a fan.

"Adriele didn't say you guys slept together, she just said you were a bit tired and she sprained her foot. Any other thing we heard was what she mumbled, but she might not know we heard it. Actually, it sounded like she was scolding you, what did you do to her?"

After hearing the full explanation Darren was somewhat pleased and he had a warm feeling, the girl didn't tell them he was sick or wounded because she knows he won't like it and get angry. A broad smile made its way to his lips, "Thanks for the compliment, I really am awesome!"

"You, ... baby" Michael retorted seeing the excited look on his face

"What? why can't I be a baby to my wife? why should I even bother explaining, single dogs like you won't understand anyway," Darren turned the tables on Michael