Adriele was tired so she just let Darren take her to the room.

In the room, he gently placed her on the bed, took a small stool, and placed her feet on them.

"Stay here," He said

"Where do you think I want to, or can go to with bleeding feet" She scolded him in her mind

He went out of the room and brought her a maid since Naina hadn't come back from the party

The maid cleaned her feet and left it was just the two of them once more.

Adriele raised her gaze to see Darren pacing up and down the room, he had been doing that since he came back with the maid

"Are you searching for something?" she asked him

"Yeah, where do you keep your creepy herbal remedies," He asked still concentrated on looking for it

"Tsk, it's above the cupboard," she said

Darren reached for the box and brought it down, he searched inside for a while and then took a little bottle, went to where Adriele was seated and started to apply it to her wound.

"Ouch" she flinched while he applied the medicine and Darren blew on it to soothe the pain.

When he was done, he got on the bed, behind her and started to untie her dress

"Darren, what are you doing?" Adriele said, uncomfortable with his actions

"What do you think?" Darren whispered laying his head on her neck.

Adriele tried to move away from him, but he held her in place and blew her neck, making her shrink

"Darren, I'm not ready yet" Adriele tried to make him let go of her

"Ready for what?" Darren teased her knowing exactly where her mind was and Adriele just bit her lip to keep calm.

Sensing her tensed shoulders Darren pushed down the sleeves of her dress a little and landed a kiss on her shoulder, making Adriele get even more tensed

"Will you sleep with your corset, doesn't it make you uncomfortable?" Darren asked

"What?" Adriele was confused

"What were you thinking?" Darren asked her

"Nothing," she said embarrassed with her thoughts

"Liar" Darren scoffed

"But I can do it myself" Adriele still tried to pull away from him

"Really, you can get all these straps all by yourself, don't be silly," Darren said


"No buts I won't bite you, yet. I'm your husband you need to feel shy around me but I'm going to let you be today " Darren said as he finished unstrapping her corset and came and stood in front of her before it slid down her chest

Adriele held unto her dress harder.

"Go to sleep now, you'll get better by tomorrow," Darren said returning the bottle to the box and keeping it back on the top of the cupboard

"What about you?"Adriele asked him seeing as he was heading out

"I have some things to take care of, and I don't want you to stay up all night on an edge because of my presence," He said as he closed the door

Adriele took off her fallen corset from inside her dress and finally laid down to sleep.


"What happened," Darren asked Michael

"Seems like you got an admirer," he said pointing to unconscious Clarissa

"Seriously?" Darren asked nonchalantly

"Some body's jealous of her sister" Michael said "To think sister in-law has been so good to her" he added

"Crown Princess, or future Queen will be better" Darren glared at him not liking the way Michael talks about Adriele

"I thought you weren't interested in the throne, and you got her to help you get rid of it" Michael teased

"And I'm still not, but I don't like it when you call her that it makes my skin crawl "

"What? Scared I was gonna take your bride?," Michael teased

"You wish " Darren shrugged him off, he didn't have the strength to bicker with him today

"Someone's falling, hope you fall so hard that it hurts, fingers crossed " Michael said gleefully

"Same to you" Darren replied with the same tone staring at Clarissa

"Make sure she goes back by tomorrow, in her state of mind she might hurt Adriele " Darren said and left

"Sure, thanks " Michael said, he knew Darren let her go unscratched because of him. He gently carried her unconscious body back to her room


"Good morning your Majesty" Naina greeted Adriele as soon as she woke up

"Good morning, Naina, sorry I left you at the party yesterday" Adriele said

"Please your Majesty, the walls have ears, I don't deserve your apology," Naina replied with her head bowed

"Ok, Naina, we've talked about this, soon enough my sister's will be gone and I will spend most of my day and time with you, I don't want you treating me like a stranger all the time, we could be friends"

"But, Your highness,"

"Okay, you don't need to do it, just let me be all alone without anyone to talk with, I'll go crazy more easily " Adriele said, putting a sad face

"Don't say that your Highness, I'll... I'll try my best to fulfill your wish but it might be a little difficult" Naina said

"So you're also going to be my friend,?" Adriele said joyful to have a friend in a strange land

"Only when we're alone" Naina replied

"Thanks" Adriele said trying to get up when she felt pain on her feet, causing her to sit back on the bed

"What happened your Highness, your feet have bruises and are swollen" Naina said worried

"It's ok, it doesn't hurt that much anyway, I just mistakenly put a bit more pressure on it than I should've "

"It's not okay, the Queen will not be pleased "

"I'll talk to her, calm down " Adriele tried to reassure her

"How can I calm down when my friend is wounded" Naina blurted out in panic, which earned a big smile from Adriele. And when she realized what she said, she looked up at Adriele's smiling face and they both laughed