2. Previous day

'I was the resident of the earth... Now I am in Nanor, a world that's still in the development phase. Comprehending that world's knowledge and implementing within this...'

He thought looking at the ceiling while recollecting the memories that he saw the previous night and swiftly raised his body.

As he peered at the window opposite him he noticed that the sun had begun to rise.

His right eye was blurry yet his vision wasn't in a bad condition either, however, he couldn't adjust to it without his left eye's assistance. His other side of the face was done for good and scarred but, sure his eye was left alone and not injured.

He looked at the bunkbed opposite his that was next to the window and focused his mind.

A red rectangular image transparent that he was still to see what's behind it, emerged in front of his right eye along with some lines that showed what changes he can make with the bunk bed.

Immediately a visual formed in front of him making the bunk bed more comfortable and techy with steps and position switching mechanisms.

The upper bed circled and went to the bottom while the other switched to the upper position like a Ferris wheel in the tiny vision he saw circling in a blueprint and it even showed what are the parts he needs to construct it.

'So... This is the ability that I've awakened. I'd like to make more things but first I have to train my body.'

He muttered and blinked his eye twice and immediately his vision reverted back to how it used to be. He didn't need to question anything about how to use it. It was his power in the first place and he had also regained the memories of his past life and the ways of the earth, as a result, it wasn't a big deal for him to use it at a whim.

Though his statement about training his body is indeed needed. If he has to fight he'll at least need to heighten his physique to the extreme to fight the stellar wielders akin to monsters.

"Becoming a scavenger isn't going to be a huge ordeal now."

He smirked at the thought of how this sole ability will turn tides in this life. It was like all the pain he had to go through wasn't a thing he needed to fret about. He was engulfed in ecstasy by the mere thought of using the power he had inherited.

He scanned around his vicinity and noticed that everyone else inside the hall was still in slumber. It was too early in the morning for people to wake up. He slowly descended, placing his leg as carefully as possible on the ladder, and got down.

It was certainly trivial about how he was made to lay there but, he didn't give much thought about it.

"Ahh fuck!" He cursed, unable to cope with the pain, and stumbled a little.

His bones had cracked from the blows he had taken. Meaning, he'd have to take a rest for about two weeks. It wasn't broken but cracked. Since cracks heal faster he was rather fortunate. If he had indeed had any bones broken, he'd have to take rest for one or two months in bed.

"What's up? It's surprising to see you wake up this early in the morning..." Said the young man who was lying under his bed.

He seemed quite buff and towering. He was wearing piercings on his ears, under his nose, and on his eyebrows. His body was covered with large tattoos.

Sure judging from his appearance he seemed like a punk but he was the one sole guy who lent his hand whenever people like Vader got in trouble.

Why would he? That's rather a common question that pops into anyone's mind who hears it.

His character goes pale compared to his looks. He might seem like an unruly junky on the outside but he was a decent guy with an ideology. It is to become the best scavenger there is in the entirety of Nanor and help the weak and Vader who is an individual that can be often looked down was certainly who needed help.

These two individuals pale in comparison to each other. His friend was a rare talent among others who are exceptional in wielding Stellar energy while Vader had zero compatibility or power to wield it.

He's a son of a rich politician who has a high influence on society. Last night he brought a lawyer and used his influence to get Vader out of the prison and even brought an eyewitness to drop charges.

In anycase, becoming a scavenger will surely be hard for Vader considering the fact he has a charge filed on him. One should have clean records. Since scavengers are workers who'll directly be going under government and be given license to wield their stellar capabilities.

Scavengers are adventurers and warriors who fight the ravenous beasts that encompass Nanor. Nanor's world that's still striving for development fighting those beasts and mutants that try to conquer their lands. Scavengers have several divisions as well but the main basic need for one to become a scavenger is joining an academy.

However, Vader's life got messed up thanks to the incidents that occurred the previous day. But the past is past, there might still be some chances for him if the matter is resolved.

"Thanks for yesterday... If it isn't for you..."

"Brother, no need to thank me. I did what was necessary but, still, you should stay somewhere else. You'll be gaining more attention from here on out. "

The previous day he didn't expect things to turn out into a bloody mess.

He was walking through the alley that connects him to the building of his academy. It was eerie quiet though he heard noises of some junkies of the academy doing drugs and sorts. And one among those junkies was the vile bitch who framed him.

As usual, he just went in a roundabout way to just not cross paths with the junkies but, strangely he saw a few rogues in his regular route, and among them was his ex's boyfriend. Things weren't good between them. In fact, Vader was often targeted by him and his gang.

'Was that pre-planned?'

Vader thought to himself recalling the occurrence once again.


Eron called out since Vader just zoned out.


"You'll have to meet the police often until the investigation gets completed. It seems they are still believing her statement. However, you also messed things up yesterday... You should have just complied with the police." Eron said looking at Vader's reddened eyes.

"I couldn't..."

"Can't blame you though."He shrugged and continued. " But, the problem is you that you tried to stab the police when they tried to capture you. That was the cause for you to get charged for attempted murder."

"Isn't there any way to get me out of this?"

"None... The police department is rage cause' of yer' actions against them. You injured one of their members and tried to stab another."

He patted his shoulder and rose from his bed throwing his shirt atop his shoulder.

"I don't understand why you woke so early. But, you better take a rest."

He commented and walked away.

It was clear from Eron's side. Him walking away from the scene clearly said 'I can't do anything more than this. Clean your mess with the time I've given you.'

Vader sat on the bed wearing a disheartened expression. It seems he'd have to take things in his own hand at all costs.


The previous day,

As usual, Vader woke up and got ready for his class, and left the dorms. His classes went, as usual. He was once popular due to his girlfriend who contributed to it. She was the typical one-of-a-kind beauty inside the academy that people would like to admire and often dream of being in a relationship. It sure seems like an over-exaggeration but, she was indeed a unique woman in terms of looks that secluded away from other women out there.

But, one's personality or character cannot merely be judged from thier looks and it was true when it came to her. In any case, being her boyfriend naturally made him popular.

He wasn't too dull, he was above average in looks but not that extremely handsome type. He was arbitrary when it came to comparing average and handsome men.

Vader was six feet tall possessing a lean frame. He possessed thick eyebrows, deep grey eyes, red hair, and skin that's brown as wood. He was born possessing red hair so that was a rather peculiar trait of his.

One can say Vader is a genius when it comes to theoretical knowledge and analytics. He scored top in theory and that alone led him to join the most famous academy in the country, called Scavengers base. Scavengers base does make one go through some trails. One would need to score certain marks to get in. It is a score that's combined with both theory and practically wielding one's prowess.

Vader scored full in theory but unfortunately, he didn't have to possess the stellar capability. In any case, his full marks for theory backed him up in joining the academy. It was the only loophole he found.

Nanor is a world where individuals possess powers that they awaken at the age of 5. So, there was no need for the Scavenger's base to make having Stellar capabilities compulsory and the practicals were there just to check their prowess, however, there wasn't a rule saying that one cannot join the academy if they do not possess stellar energy. Moreover, he even passed the entrance, so there clearly wasn't a reason to reject him.

There are late bloomers who awaken their stellar capability when they reach the age of sixteen but Vader had already reached the age of eighteen. Also, he didn't awaken something like stellar energy. He had awakened knowledge and perception, something that doesn't help in heightening his human physique.

The very evening of finishing classes Vader began walking. He didn't dare to take the road that's isolated from the regular path however short the route might be.

Walking straight he saw his ex's girlfriend with some of his goons. It seemed as though they were particularly waiting for him. And the very moment he saw them he had to take the isolated lane.

The alley was something that's dark and surrounded by trees and abandoned buildings where junkies do some drugs. He also noticed that he was tailed by the rogues. As a result, he had to enter a dark building...