6. Maketh Jakesy

"How have you been?" Vader asked with his lips arched up waving his hand.

It didn't seem like he was really happy but that seemed like a small gesture one would make to their friend.

The young man pushed his monocle back up and smiled at Vader.

"Glad to meet you... But, what happened to you?" The young man asked with concern.


As Vader was about to start he walked forward and said.

"First get in. Let's talk about this later."

"Alright..." Vader smiled as the Youngman supported him to climb the narrow stairs.

The painting work of the building seemed quite old also it was partially corroded. Soon they got onto the floor where the counter was at.

"Father, this is my friend Vader Herko"

The young man introduced Vader to his father who was standing at the counter.

The Father's eyebrows shot up as though he was surprised.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Vader said with a smile.

"Ohh? You are the young man my son used to talk about... I have heard a lot about it."

"Alright father, We have something to discuss so, I'll do the job you gave me later."

He said and dragged Vader out of the place. He knew that man would stir things and began demanding his purpose of visit and sorts. The corridor contained about three rooms and the young man took him into the last room that was hidden in the darkness.

As soon as they entered Vader was dumbstruck. The young man's room was filled with scrapes and preserved body parts of the monsters and a few vials and sorts inside it. There were also charts of anatomy hung on the walls.

"Vader, I assume you sought me to get treatment."

"Yes, Maketh..." Vader replied, looking at the fat Youngman.

"Hmm, can I see your wounds?" Maketh asked, looking at his body that was draped in a cloak.

"Sure," Vader replied.

"Lay there," Maketh said, pointing towards a table that was placed in the corner.

The room was exceptionally large and it can contain up to ten people.

Vader had trust in him. He might not be a certified doctor but, he was certainly a genius he can rely on. He didn't choose to become a doctor and the main reason for that is his inability to pay bills. Educational bills are huge. Becoming a doctor and joining a medical academy will need a huge amount. Also one needs stellar capabilities that tend to lean overhealing.

Nanor's doctors are a type of stellar user who is technically referred to as healers.

If there is one problem with stellar capabilities it is the draining and recoil of usage. Most stellar capability wielders tend to suffer because of the draining and recoil and those who possess a high level of stellar energy tend to become a high influence among the others.

If a doctor uses their stellar capabilities to heal someone they'll have their energies drained and will need to take supplements that are high in expenses as such doctors charge more money.

Coming back to Maketh Jakesy, his case is very different. He doesn't have the healing prowess to become a doctor which is mandatory when it's compared to scavengers that don't have any rules implying one to possess a stellar capability.

Maketh is a genius whose core knowledge in healing comes from science. He pioneers biology and continuously experiments with things.

Vader sought him for one sole thing. He knew that Maketh was creating a serum that far surpasses the variation that's available in the market. But, the problem is Maketh couldn't sell his serum considering that he needs permission from the government.

He also extracted the beasts' innate powers and created a tool that uses the serum to work as a healer but, the tool couldn't process as he believed since his strong field wasn't mechanics and engineering.

Unwrapping the clothes, Maketh's jaw dropped. He began examining his hands and legs and scanned through the wounds and cuts he was inflicted.

"What the hell did you have to go through? Your bones have been cracked. Your arms, legs, ribs everything has several cracks. If you received a few more blows you'd have broken bones leading to internal bleeding."

Vader was lashed with whips and beaten by iron rods. Then he was attacked brutally. If he received more blows he'd have been hospitalized for months this was also why the jailers stopped punishing him.

Vader quietly listened as Maketh unwrapped the bandage which was covering his left portion of the face.

"Your face is done for good. It seems they used inflammation tools to make the cut and it's too deep. Was your face burning all night?"

Inflammation tools are made with toxins and only a stellar wielder who possesses poison as their specialty can use it.


"I see... You'll have to go through hell and your face will be left scarred"

Maketh said as he opened Vader's eyelids by spreading them using his hands.


The very moment Vader was about to scream in agony Maketh stuffed a cloth into his mouth.

After he stopped squirming in pain he removed the cloth from his mouth and asked. "Are there any problems with your eyesight?"

"Yes... My vision is blurry."

"Be glad that the inflaming toxins didn't reach your eyes. However, you'll have to go through a treatment that will take three to four weeks to even make you walk."

"You are telling me to take the straightway as indirectly as possible?... I know you are still developing the serum. Can't we use that to heal me quicker?"

"I knew it, Vader. I knew that's why you sought me..."

He stopped and looked at Vader's red clogged eyes with sympathy.

"I heard the news about an academy student who assaulted a woman and tried to kill a police officer... Judging from the condition you are in, I just guessed it at first glance."

Well, Maketh is a genius so it isn't surprising for him to decode that the student who caused chaos was Vader.

"I know you had your reasons and how those bastards push you to the edge or might be framed for god knows why.... but, experimenting the serum on you. It's something that will send me behind the bars." Maketh stopped and waited for Vader to place his reasoning.

Looking up at Maketh's deep brown eyes he began talking.

"Maketh... I was framed. I couldn't endure the anger. There was no one to listen. None by my side. Should I be punished for a thing I didn't do? IT mean you are someone who can sympathize with me... You dropped from the academy being unable to cope with those fuckers. Also weren't you looking for someone to test your serum?"

"Vader... I can sympathize with you. This was why I let you in. You are the hot topic of the city now. The news has been spread throughout the locality. I might be questioned for letting you in... Yet, I am still doing this. I am indebted to you for helping me in the academy..."

Maketh stopped and narrowed his eyes. "But I cannot help you other than giving the normal treatment that will take four weeks. Also, remember if I get caught for practicing medicine without a license I'll be imprisoned as well. I am already being searched for making illegal experiments and selling supplements as you know." Maketh explained.

Vader who listened to him sighed. "Hah, Let me get this clear. Bodium is corrupted by its politicians. The laws are crooked... Yes, I tried to fight back when they tried to capture me. The laws here only amends to the will of the rich. I know you are trying to make a serum to sell on the black market. And I know you need someone to test so use me as the test subject."

"My life is done for. If I am imprisoned... My mother doesn't know a thing about the things that have occurred. I want to do something... I have to prove myself as innocent before the probation. For that, I need to force that bitch to accept that she made a statement that falsely accused me... I have to convince the police as well... I need your help. I am in desperate need of help! I'd rather die trying than going to jail... I have a purpose I want to pursue!"

Vader yelled, raising from his place gritting his teeth.


Maketh rephrased and closed his eyes massaging his temple as though he was contemplating things before making a choice.


Maketh said reluctantly and walked towards the shelf that contained several containers with weird parts of monsters in them.

"I will be clear... You might die using this. Several of my test subjects died in the initial stages but now this is improvised. Those were all beasts and monsters. I've been doing this secretly..."

He spoke as he continued searching without turning back.

'The material that possesses the potential to become nanites that'll cure all those incurable diseases out there.'

Vader thought as Maketh walked towards him holding a red vial.


Author's note: Use power stones and support the work. Thanks in advance ;) Also leave comments about what you think of the book and leave a review of your thoughts.