Chapter 7

When they arrived home, the maids were preparing dinner when Fillo came running to greet Raiden, she noticed a beautiful girl next to him and exclaimed, "kya..."

"What is it?" asked Isadora, who had heard screaming as she approached the entrance and noticed a girl next to him holding hands.

"Who is she, and where has Violet gone?"

"uh…." Raiden was at a loss for words.

"Ara Ara, Violet has finally awakened from her cocoon," Serena said, "what?" Isadora inquired, but as she looked closer, she saw it was Violet "what!" ....."

Fillo was pouting and sleeping on her breasts as they sat in the longue, saying, "I won't forgive you for changing yourself, but I'll forgive you for letting me sleep on your breasts."

"Hey, don't do that," Violet reprimanded

"geez, you really have changed," Isadora remarked, "what made you do this?"

"Yeah, about that, we started dating," Raiden explained.

They were all taken aback.

Violet exclaims proudly, "Listen to me, you perverted maids!" "Blah blah blah... and so, Raiden and I are now dating!"

In the living room, the maids and Raiden were seated around the dining table.

Violet is one of a group of five. And they were just about to begin their little family council.

"That's right, we're in a relationship! Officially! As a couple! That means I'm no longer the childhood friend I was until now, but have instead become what is commonly referred to as the girlfriend! That's right, all of you, bow before me!" She congratulated herself.

Violet's point was straightforward, despite her upbeat demeanor. That is, no matter what kind of bonds they shared or how well they got along, Raiden and Violet were not directly related in any way. And her influence was limited by her status as his childhood friend and a maid. But what if she ended up being his lover?

And it wasn't just any ordinary lover; it was a relationship based on a proposal, so you could say they were engaged now. To put it another way, they were now related. You could even say she was a member of his family, which meant that her opinions would now carry a lot of weight when it came to the heinous acts the maids committed!

"This is the moment I've been waiting for!" Violet smirked in her head; the wind had finally changed its course for her.

Despite how long they had known each other and how close they were, she was still resigned to a position where she was treated as if she were air, but she was unexpectedly promoted by three ranks. And now was the time for her to correct the house's disordered public morals.

" So pay attention to my responsibilities. For starters, men and women bathing together would be prohibited. Second, unnecessary skin exposure would be prohibited. Third, excessive skinship would be prohibited.

Even Raiden, who ogled at the three maids all the time, would probably get back into shape with that. Today was the day she would say everything. She would speak freely and finally put an end to the licentious lifestyle.

The three maids exchange glances; she thought she had won, but then all of them congratulated her, "Congratulations!..."

When Violet was about to say something, the three maids spoke in unison.

"So wonderful, so wonderful! Violet-chan, you've finally done it!" Isadora stated

"Raiden-sama, you did exactly what was expected of you! You certainly know how to hold your own when the stakes are high!" "I was wondering when you two would start dating, but it appears the time has come! Violet-chan, congratulations! "Serena said as she hugged her

"Eeh? Ah, yea. Thanks?" Violet was out of this world

"Hey, tell us what you think!" How are you feeling today? "Come on, tell us!" Isadora exclaimed.

"Ah, errr, errrrrrrrrrrrrrr Yes, I'm satisfied."

"How exactly did he propose to you, please tell us all about it!" she inquired of Fillo.

"Errr, it was actually quite simple. He simply said, "Please marry me," she said.

"Violet-oneechan, when are you two getting married for real?" asked Fillo.

"Eh, no way, that's still too early~ We just started dating, you know~" said Violet blushing. Bit by bit, Violet's expression broke into a big smile.

The three maids were very skilled at dragging people. Violet happened to be particularly susceptible to their flow. "Nonetheless, this is fantastic news. This necessitates an immediate feast." Serena stated

"Without a doubt. Let's give it our all and prepare a delicious meal for tonight." Isadora stated

"Aside from that, things will be hectic for us as well. All of a sudden, I'm feeling extremely motivated. Violet-oneechan, how about you?" Fillo enquired

"Yes, indeed. Errr. What exactly do you mean by "hectic" this time? What about the cooking?" she inquired

"No no, isn't it quite obvious!" said Serena

"It's exactly as Ayaka-neesama says. Something like that is obvious!" said Isadora

"Yaay! Bride training, bride training it is~!" said Fillo

"How did it come to that, eh, wai-? Didn't you hear me say we'd only recently started dating?" Violet's thoughts were racing.

"Indeed, when you said you two started officially dating, we heard it loud and clear." Isadora stated "And on top of that, I was proposed to."

"That essentially means that it is based on marriage."said Serena

"Wait a minute," Violet panicked, but the situation had already been taken over by the three maids.

"No, no, no, no, We only started dating today, you know?! Why are you talking about bride training and marriage premises all of a sudden?" "But you two have had a marriage promise since you were children, right?" That being the case, wouldn't you agree that starting to date is a lot like starting a relationship? Isn't it natural to refer to it as a marriage premise and discuss bride training?" Serena stated

Raiden, who has already revealed their secrets, gives her a nervous smile.

"No, this and that are not the same thing... I mean, everyone makes such promises as children, and it's not unusual for people to forget about them as well "Violet stated

"But Raiden-san still remembers it, right?" Isadora asked.

"And Raiden-sama took charge and proposed to you like a man, didn't he? Furthermore, he was aware of your reluctance, Violet-san, and he settled for being lovers for the time being, didn't he? And wasn't it you, Violet-san, who brought up that old subject? "Isadora stated

"And now you're saying things like that, Violet-oneechan? You are the absolute worst "Fillo stated

"Wait a minute! That, I said, was a misunderstanding!" Violet stated

"Violet-chan, you're the worst. So dating Raiden-san is just a way for you to pass the time, huh?" "You even toyed with Raiden-pure sama's heart," Isadora said.

"Violet-oneechan, I seem to have misjudged you... I didn't believe you were that type of person." Fillo stated

"Wait a minute! How did this happen?! Isn't this strange?" Violet was perplexed. While they were arguing, Raiden sipped his tea quietly and awaited the outcome.

As someone who didn't say much but was quite wise, he knew that discretion was the better part of valor in this situation. Yes, you guessed correctly. He found it amusing, so he just sat there and watched.

"If you say you weren't playing with him, then prove it with your actions." Said Isadora "Dating Raiden-sama is no joke, You have to give a proper shape to your dating."

"And the best way to do that would be bride Training! If you do it, we will be convinced that you aren't just playing around with him" Said Serena

"Yes, bride training." "Bride training it is." Said Fillo

"Aaaah, shut up shut up shut up!" Violet, who had been fighting a losing battle for a long time, had finally snapped. She couldn't take it when they dismissed the love she'd harbored for years as a game. If they desired proof, they would receive it.

"Okay, I'll take care of the bride training! Even though it isn't my cup of tea, I can still cook, clean, and do laundry!"

"Hey, did you hear her?" Serena inquired.

"I heard it loud and clear, neesama." Said Isadora

"Me too,With this, we got her promise." Said Fillo

"You demons tricked me didn't you, I ended up agreeing on it, but isn't this all strange, after all?! I said it many times already, but we just started dating, so we are still at the stage of a platonic love, okay?! How did the bride training come up here!"

"But you already promised." Said Serena

"Let me warn you that if you do not keep your promise to the former demon generals, you will be in big trouble." Isadora stated

Serena gulped and agreed

"Then let's get started with bride training right away!"

"...I don't care any longer. I got this" Violet had finally accepted her fate.

It was three versus one from the start, and to make matters worse, her opponents were demons who were skilled at speech. She had no choice but to comply now that it had come to this.

"As I previously stated, I am willing to do anything, including cooking, cleaning, and laundry. They are fields in which I am not particularly skilled, but I have never made the time to learn this could be a good opportunity. Okaay! Now that it's decided, I'm suddenly motivated! I'll do my best with this bride training of yours! Just keep an eye on me, you perverted maids; I'll prove to you that even I can do it if I get serious! Now, whatever kind of Spartan education you're looking for, just come at me!" she said proudly as the maids were clapping and cheering.

Raiden looking at them said, "I think things are going to be hectic"