word of the third great ninja war

it's been a few weeks since I awoke in my two prong Sharingan and I recently had just awoken my three prong Sharingan. and I also had to convince my brother to enroll in the Shinobi Academy though I had already done early graduation exam. and of course passed after all I had been training was Zabuza. and I perfectly replicated the water dragons Jutsu several times during our training without him having to use it surprisingly I have extremely large chakra pull. I was thinking about making sure I was well known for water Style. but I didn't know exactly how well I want to be known for. and as well if I chose to do such thing I most likely would definitely want the three towns since it uses water and air released or at least from my knowledge. suddenly I heard Whispers of 2 ninja.

" his bro did you hear it starting to come the beginnings of a great ninja war?"

the first Shinobi said calmly try and keep the times people from knowing and then the second should all be look shocked and spoke quickly.

" what the hell seriously I don't think you're ready for this fight we have the seven Swordsmen true but....."

I stepped out and walk towards them both of them looked shocked at the see me but one of them recognized me.

" get it's that prodigy he's been training with Zabuza from what I heard."

the other Shinobi just stared at his friend dumbfounded I drew my blade and ignited it with electricity and I stare them both.

" there is no buts to it if we get dragged into this fight we are going to win. and if not we're going to give every damn Village a damn black guy in a bloody nose."

both of them stayed quiet as I shift my blade again and began to walk away. making my way straight to the mizukage Office. running at full speed getting there within a few minutes. I knocked on the door I heard the voice that was so accustomed to.

" come in"

as I open the door the mizukage seem to stare at me for a moment waiting for me probably give an answer on why I was bothering him.

" is it true it looks like the makings of another great Shinobi War?"

this would mean I had 10 more years or so before the main story of Naruto began. what will set a lot of things into motion. the mizukage looks down as he sigh.

" yes currently it's a battle between the hidden stone the hidden leaf and the hidden Cloud. but we will soon be dragged into this mess as well."

I slammed my hands on the desk as I looked him straight in the eye with seeing the call him by surprise.

" then I request here now for me to be one of the first people to join the battlefield. and I also make requests of you keeping my brother out of the battle he only had been an academy for 3 days now so he wouldn't be of much use."

the mizukage look of surprise turn to one of seriousness. as he started to think about it and saw I was ready for a fight and understood what I was saying.

" I can grant you your first request but the second one I cannot if we running low on Shinobi specs are trained to fight we will have to resort to the Academy students but I will try my best to keep him being the last one since he has the least amount of time learning their."

I nodded as I jumped out the window to start making my way home. I had almost completely mastered my three prong Sharingan. but then I saw something that made my face going pale my house..... the front door was broken in as I run in I saw my grandparents dead on the ground. as I looked up to see who did it it was someone wearing a anbu mask but wasn't one associated with the Hidden Mist I couldn't recognize it. I could feel my pupil change into its Mangekyou pattern. the Abu seem to react to this and tried killing me but then I saw a sword all-too-familiar Pierce's his chest. it was The Executioner's blade as I was pulled out of the doorway and zabuza's protected me. I soon blacked out and as soon woke up in a hospital bed I looked around and saw my baby brother's eyes apparently I had gotten wounded somehow and I could see his eyes he awoke in his 1 prong Sharingan as well but his was not red they were a silver color. I quickly pulled him close to try and comfort him. and he cried into my chest even though it's slightly hurt I endured it then I saw two people walk into the room a doctor and what seemed to be a Shinobi. both of them look shocked I was holding my brother and I was conscious already do I had a little bit of blood going down my right eye. the Shinobi was the first to speak.

" I'm quite surprised you are awake we have some questions for you at Ambu headquarters. when you are discharged you will be brought to there with the mizukage there to ask a questions."

I nod at the Shinobi and he began to leave but the nurse immediately ran over to start checking up on me. she seemed practic but as she remove the bandages I saw there was a sword that got put through my chest judging from my body it went right between the lungs and didn't connect with anything. the strain of seeing Grandpa and Grandma dead and getting stabbed probably knocked me out but I was quite surprised that Zabuza was the one to save me. he particularly viewed people as tools perhaps my ripple effect caused him to care about me more than he probably should. which honestly I should probably feel quite flattered. concerning the only person he really cared about was Haku. and now that I start to think about it the only reason someone would try to kill me was because of my Uchiha blood and the only people who could possibly know about it would be konoha which would make sense since that's where the only clan members were besides me and my brother maybe my old man actually did tell his village. is the only reason that they would find out besides danzo doing a lot more digging when it comes to things that happened on missions with Uchiha. which honestly I wouldn't put it past him since his hate for the Uchiha is pretty damn strong. and he probably wanted to take my eyes if I had Mangekyou so he could figure out if a mutation was Far stronger than this standard. which reminds me I need to figure out what my mangekyo can do but the problem of doing that if I could go blind and with my brother with only the one prong I would be in a hell of a long wait for him to get Mangekyou. but then again I could end up getting the Rinnegan since Madara was at the end of his life when he got it. it proves that the Rinnegan is an evolution of a Sharingan. which in theory I could get those eyes or as well as I could just steal the eyes from pain before Obito can get to them destroy one and have the other in one of my eye sockets. and of course in theory I could try and do sage mode without the help of summon animals. but now I think about it I don't even have a Summoning contract with any animals currently. and considering my plans currently are to become very well renowned with water style I'm probably going to want to go with some sea bass summon like a turtle or a shark. or even an octopus dammit. but I probably should go with a turtle considering The 3 Tails is a turtle. and if I remember correctly the 3 tails name is Isobu. and if I review my blood to the music I guess I could in theory get The 3 Tails because I have the ability to control it. but would he know this no clue most likely not however. if it was kind of hard to send that fasten I'm in some serious Danger because they most likely will send someone with a Sharingan to come back at me if they know I have Uchiha blood but not many people get to Mangekyou so I'll be able to win hopefully without much issue. I should probably let the nurses and doctors do their thing so I can get to answering their questions. but I did love my grandparents so whoever did it... I'm going to make them pay