learning secrets about my brother

it is only one day before I am sent off to war I told my brother that we won't be training today we were going to spend time together since we haven't really done and lots of that since our grandparents have died at least not if you consider training spending time together. but me and my brother decided to just sit around in the mizukage's Garden. my brother looked happy not to be training but then he started to speak.

" brother I have a question..."

I simply made a sound.


you seem nervous to talk he wasn't always nervous when you coming to talk any with me compared to everyone else so this caught my attention slightly.

" you seem to know a lot more than you let on how much do you actually know."

I knew we weren't being watched or listened to after all zabuza's taught me well when it comes to keeping secrets and making sure no one is eavesdropping. even so I began using wind style underneath me and my brother and all around us this was a future I created so no one could hear my voice or anyone inside it even if they were right outside of this barrier. I ended up developing this Jutsu a long time ago. it's pretty much transparent unless you have the Byakugan you could see the chakra barrier with it. I open my mouth and began speaking.

" have you ever hear of a country called America or also called the United States?"

my brother's eyes seem to widen I spoke again before he could say a word.

" so you are reincarnation as well judging from your reaction of that being mentioned."

he seemed to crawl towards me quickly excited he began to speak.

" wait do you know if this is a world of an anime?"

I got up as we were found a few millimeters away from each other as I smiled and spoke.

" yes this is the world of Naruto we're currently 10 years from the Birth of the main character Naruto. his Sensei will be Kakashi Hatake his teammates will be Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha Naruto and Sasuke will end up being The Reincarnation of Indra and his brother."

my brother immediately hug me as he seemed extremely excited as he began to speak.

" amazing I thought I was the only person reincarnated into this world though it does make my plans a bit more difficult."

I smiled as I already had a kunai against his neck.

" you want to obtain a Eternal Mangekyou and so it there's not much issues for that plan. since I do as well and I already have Mangekyou so I just have to wait for you to get it and we can trade on Ice though what is your power since you have imitation or did you even get a choice in choosing what your mutation has an addition it's already standard Sharingan abilities."

he looks scared as he felt the kunai against his neck but he ended up using substitution to get out of my Embrace and was only a few millimeters away. but he had a slight smile on his face as he began to speak.

" my mutation allows me to as you guessed perceive the world like if I had a Byakugan tho I don't have the whole 180 Vision besides a blind spot. I just seen the chakra points the kind of chakra nature that's being used and not really much else."

I smiled as I stood up putting the kunai away as I spoke.

" mine allows me to decode seals and I'll be able to replicate them after seeing them. and I also can teleport as you have seen but I expect you have another ability since I'll be gaining it when we switch eyes might as well tell me what it is."

he smiled as he started to speak again though he seemed a lot more serious.

" well allows me to copy kekkei genkai perfectly. so ice relief lava release Storm release Black Lightning I can copy them perfectly only when I reach Mangekyou though. which is why I'm not very skilled with lava style currently but it will only allow me to perfectly copy hey KK genkai at Eternal Mangekyou if I just have Mangekyou I can partially copy it I can't perfectly copy it with just Mangekyou. but that strange being did allow me to have access to the genetics needed to perform any kk genkai that is required with my two chakra affinities so to my knowledge I can only perform lava style until I obtain my Mangekyou and eternal Mangekyou respectfully."

I smiled as I start to stretch.

" well brother have you been taking your training and he's seriously or have you been holding back?"

I said this with a glare as I started to pull up my shirt and showing I was the three Tails jinchuriki which I wasn't entirely sure if he already knew this seem to call him off guard.

" well yes and no I've been taking the training a lot seriously considering how much stronger you are to me. and when did you become the three tails jinchuriki?"

I smiled as I tapped my eye the gesture for him to come in he activated his Sharingan and I let him enter my mind scape as I went into my mind I saw my brother standing on a rock as he looked around and spoke quietly.

" it looks so much different from Naruto is mindscape and where is The 3 Tails I can't see him."

I looked around and I could feel that Isobu was out in the great ocean as I pointed out to the ocean my brother looked over and could see a small island but as he looked at it he could tell it was moving towards the shore of the island that we were standing on and soon after The 3 Tails came out of the water with a smile on his face.

"Hi Isobu I like you to meet my little brother."

I said with a smile as at this moment The 3 Tails look for that shy and waved one of its tail as a Hello which my brother replied with his own waving his hand.

" brother this is Isobu the more well-known as the three tails."

I smiled as I sat down my brother sent someone close to me as he looked at the three tails seeing it through the screen of a TV. was a much different experience then actually meeting them in person and he felt so small and I could tell it.

" don't let his size intimidate you brother he's a lovable person and an absolute Cinnaroll."

this seems to make The 3 Tails get a bit bashful. my brother finally began to speak.

" so why are you introducing me to The 3 Tails brother."

I smiled as I looked up to Isobu.

" hey Isobu do you know any summon animals that would be great to work with him with lava Style?"

Isobu seem to start thinking about it as he started to speak.

" the only ones that comes to my mind would be my brother the Four Tails or the Apes or maybe even crabs and some of them live near volcanoes. other than that I have no clue."

I smiled as I bailed politely to The 3 Tails as I activated my Mangekyou and threw my brother out of my mind scape. with a genjutsu that explains why I'm let him in my mindscape to begin with.

" thank you that helped out a lot I've been racking my brain on how to help him train and get even better."

these words seem to make him very happy. as he began to speak.

" it was no problem always happy to help you your brother seems nice as well glad it runs in your family."

I smiled at these words as I started to leave my mindscape but before I did I shouted to The 3 Tails.

" I will make a world where you and the other tail Beast can live peaceful lifes and I'm glad you will be the first to see the work that will go towards such a world goodbye for now."

as I said this The 3 Tails used his tales to to wave me goodbye as I return to the waking world where I saw my brother with a smile.

" hey brother so you want to start making plans because obviously we both have our own set plans and you already know what mine is to become a legend with a blade. but I also plan to create a world where the all of the tailed beasts are free to live their own peaceful lives. but I do have a third plan that will probably go a lot easier then I initially thought now that I know you are a reincarnation. because you possess a lot more knowledge than I originally thought."

my brother Smiles evilly as he began to speak.

" oh yes brother let's begin to plan oh and I have noticed that you have a Jutsu active I'm guessing it's to keep anyone from listening in on us."

I nodded with a smile then I spoke as I dispel the Jutsu since I didn't want to run out of chakra.

" yep but I can't really use that Jutsu constantly sadly. but there is one big thing for this Jutsu nothing can be heard what's being said around in the barrier. unless they are inside the barrier as will. so someone you know who the plant boy won't be able to hear us because it was under us as well."

my brother smiled and nodded as we both start to look up to the sky with my Sharingan deactivated and my brothers as well I spoke again.

" well we will be the next pair of Legends like Madara and hashirama right brother?"

he looked over at me with a smile and nodded as he spoke.

" of course brother"