second half of the split & the end of their battle

(Zabuza's POV)

it's been 3 minutes since we split off from the rest of the company. as I start to think about things I realize I shouldn't have let Jack run off. after all he's our jinchuriki and a member of my genin Squad. what I'm even thinking I shouldn't be worried about that kid. he anything but weak. I was broke out of my thoughts by Haku. as I start to paying attention I saw we were nearing the battlefield I looked over to that red headed woman.

" hey do we have any information about what we're about to get ourselves into?"

Kushina Uzumaki shook her head at me. as she began to speak I paid attention but I could quickly smell the scent of blood was getting so much stronger.

" besides that this attack is completely comprised of Shinobi from the clown Village nothing else. all we are aware of is that the division we are meant to reinforce is being attacked and needs backup. all I'm hoping it's not their damn raikage that's leading this battle we will be in some big trouble if he is."

as she finishes speaking we come across the battlefield I quickly survey has to look for if there was any one of note worthy. thankfully there wasn't I quickly put my hands in the hand sign for the Hidden Mist technique taking off my blade off my back I commence the silent killing. and many of my fellow mist Shinobi comrades joined into this killing. It didn't take very long for us to clear out the battlefield but this was too easy something wasn't right about this fight as the Mist dissipate I looked over to that red hair woman.

" something's not right that's fight was too easy I bought plenty of cloud Shinobi before they that easy to kill these were probably fresh out of the academy and freshly promoted. true we have some strong Shinobi on our side but this fight shouldn't have gone this quickly."

the red headed woman seem to not at this she also seemed to agree with my words. my instincts screamed at me to be aware of danger from the corner of my eye It seem like something like a javelin. I quickly brought my blade to blocking whatever it was. then the next seconds as soon as the attack clashed with my Blade. the Executioner's blade broke and the attack I narrowly avoid it but I still taking a deep gash across my side as I jumped out of the way. I looked up to see who was the one who hurt me and my eyes widen as it was the raikage. I then noticed there was more Cloud Shinobi coming out of the trees line I merely put back up the Hidden Mist technique and I jump back to Haku. I could feel that a vast majority of my blood is starting to leak out my body I am merely handed my Executioner's blade to Haku and spoke to her.

" I'm giving you an order to retreat and go retrieve more backup for us if you can get the request our regiment here. I know a little bit of medical Ninjutsu to stop the bleeding but I'm going to need to focus on keeping the Miss up and running so go."

Haku seemed afraid and even then she nodded listening and running away. I then heard that red-haired woman voice right next to me.

" I don't think that was very much of a good idea but she's already headed out here is one of my backup swords use it to fight so we can buy as much time as possible."

I used what little medical Ninjutsu I knew that heal my wound to enough to make it stop bleeding I won't be able to fight as effectively but I grabbed the sword this woman gave me. I started to stand up fully as I looked around I could tell him we're all the enemies were. considering with the amount of experience I have this Jutsu I fear eyes I could keep the Mist up for about two hours before I'll have to drop it otherwise I have to deal with chakra exhaustion. I started to finally move through the Mist killing Cloud Shinobi left and right Stanley for these men and women they are Garners to fight Mist Shinobi be in the Mist. you would have to be completely stupid to take that fine though these Shinobi have no choice in the matter. now I think about it literally literally Jack was the only mist Shinobi to go with the other half regiment. as I'm thinking to myself I could hear the screams of cloud Shinobi dying in the Mist. my danger sense is kicking again as I dodged to the left allowing me to dodge the third raikage attack. he began to speak as I could start sensing that redheads Chakra.

" you are a Zabuza momochi demon of the mist..... let's hope you can supply me with a decent challenge."

as soon as he finished his words the red headed woman came out of the Mist covered with a red cloak of chakra and with that I knew she was just like Jack a jinchuriki and knowing that the leaf only has the nine-tailed fox meaning she was the strongest among the jinchuriki. she managed to Kent the third raikage with a women viewed punch making the third raikage slide a bit back as she landed right next to me I decided to speak to her.

" well we are in some deep crap. let's hope our backup gets here in time."

she didn't speak she nodded as she pulled out her blade and imbuing it with wind chakra. this got me thinking about that the blade I'm currently using from her is also a chakra blade even if it was I wouldn't use that function since I need as much chakra to keep the Mist up. I simply through the blade right back at her and she caught it as I pulled out a kunai.

" wouldn't make much use of that since it's a chakra blade I need as much to keep the Jutsu up."

she nodded as the other Blade with the rounded and wind chakra and with that she charged at the third raikage as I stayed in The Mists background throwing shuriken and kunai at him to act as a distraction.

( meanwhile with Haku pov)

I have to move as quick as possible to find Jack and the other half the regiment.

I'm the sensor type and I know Jack's chakra

signature better than anyone else. I know I'm getting closer to him but I feared I will not be fast enough. but then an idea struck me I used a few hand signs to create several ice mirrors towards the path of Jack chakra signature and began jumping from Mirror to mirror to increase my speed. within a few minutes I was asked Jack Striker signature as I left for the mirror. i look at Jack and began speaking.

" everyone else has encountered the third raikage Ambush Force we need reinforcements immediately."

I said this handing The Executioner's blade to Jack who grabbed it looking shocked at it but then in the yellow Flash Minato began moving Jack looked at me and began to speak.

(Jack's POV)

as soon as Haku placed The Executioner blades handle in my hand Then I noticed Minato was gone in a Flash I looked up the Haku and began to speak.

" good job Haku start guiding everyone me and Minato will already be there fighting"

I did not give them her a chance to speak as I use my Mangekyou has ability to teleport to head towards the direction she came from since knowing Haku she went straight to me. about 2 minutes I appeared in the battlefield but sadly cuz of my haste I didn't realize I appeared right in the crossfire of Zabuza Kushina the Third raikage and Minato releasing jutsus. quickly teleporting out of the crossfire I saw a massive explosion that blew away the Mist and I saw something in the worst condition I've ever seen him in well besides when he died in the anime. Zabuza look over to me with a smile and shouted.

" took you long enough for someone who's supposed to be the fastest in the Mist you sure are slow to the party."

I can't help but yell at him.

" will sorry that my mind was going 100 miles an hour worrying about your dumb old ass."

Zabuza then immediately gave me a death glare and I applied with the same thing. I was so caught up at staring Zabuza that I didn't realize there was a lightning bolts about 5 feet away from me until three tails had to literally force is chakra pronounced to create a wall of water to protect me from the lightning Jutsu then I heard that it's voice screaming at me for the first time.

" pay attention damn it!!!!"

I mean we broke from the death glare cantus I have with my Sensei to look at the third raikage who seem to be fairly okay because of his damn lightning cloak but there was a little bit of blood seeping from his head. he then looked at me knowing what I was he looks back to what little remained of his men as he turned around and launched himself towards our troops while shouting.

" all right everyone we are retreating."

and with that the battle was over play it's about over 230 Cloud Shinobi Dead with only amount of 100 dead on our side. as I deactivated my Mangekyou I didn't realize that I just hit my limit of chakra exhaustion I looked over to zabuza's as I face-planted and was unconscious. I was out of commission for at least 3 days and I woke up in the hidden leaf's camp. as I slowly got up I could feel my body was ready just to clock out again.