The afternoon before the wedding night [The Empress' Wedding - Part II]

-- POV Gaya --

I hugged Freya as hard as I could while I cried with joy because in all my life...I had never felt like this. As we exchanged mana, the mark on my chest began to heat up. The tattoo that I had had since my contract with the she-wolf and that was as important to me as my ring or my tiara had glowed enveloping me in its warmth.

As I looked up, I could see the face of my wife, this Empress who was holding me in her protective arms. At that moment, she was closing her eyes depriving the world of the glow of her violet gaze. Her face slightly smiling in the sunlight, her white skin shining while Freya looked so peaceful with her hair blowing in the wind. In her white suit, she was my light. My eyes had stopped crying and as we walked down the stage the imperial she-wolf who had opened her eyes, took my hand in hers and whispered.

"I must admit my wife looks absolutely beautiful today kufufu~"