Family time before complications

-- POV Shiro --

Mommy had just told me that she had something to tell me but I had no idea what she meant. She carried me in her arms and we walked through the large hallways of the house to join mom Gaya.

"Look, there she is !"

As I looked up, I could see my other mom waving at us. She was talking with a lot of other grown-up people, probably about very complicated things to me.

"Hello your Highness, Princess Shiro !"

Mommy was the Empress of all the people who lived in the city that had just been built. I didn't really know how she managed to do all this, but I had never seen a place as beautiful as this. People were always nice to her and our family. Mom Gaya used to say that she was like a Queen and I was the Princess of this Empire. I didn't really know what a Princess was supposed to do, but even though it was going to be hard, I promised myself that I would try until I succeeded.
