Meeting the Lieutenants before the War

-- POV Freya --

I had an hour to meet with the Lieutenants of my Commanders. After that, we planned to have our second war council with them to put our ideas into a comprehensive and worked out plan. Luna had to take care of Alayna and had left for her office while I walked to mine. Gaya, who had not participated at all, was taking care of Vig and had gone to the hospital to rest without revealing his existence. The family of elves who had arrived with the two humans were taken care of by the other section leaders, which left me time to take care of the army.

[Are you going to let Gaya fight ?]

*No way ! She's pregnant and I need someone to stay in the Empire to lead in my absence*

[But don't you think she'll refuse to stay on the sidelines this time, too ?]

*I don't know..*