Master of souls [Dark Forest War II - Part XII]

-- POV Freya --

-- PING --

[ You have earned 100,000 EXP for killing 2 humans of level 31 and 35 ]

[ Condition met to advance to next level (34) ]

[ Condition met to advance to next level (35) ]

[ Your HP and MP have increased ]

[ You now have +200 attribute points ]

[ Frozen Wrath skill has been upgraded to level 2 ]

[ Pain Resistance skill has been increased to level 4 ]

[ The skill bite of Hell has been increased to level 6 ]

[ Ice Creation skill increased to level 6 ]

[ Mana Detection skill has evolved to Detection and control of mana ]

[ Detection and control of mana skill has been upgraded to level 5 (new information available) ]

[ You have gained 10,000 EXP ]

[ You now have +100 attribute points ]
