Return and agitation

-- POV General --

The sun was shining brightly on the Dark Forest as the army of Elysium returned. On the Empire side, everyone who had watched their warriors leave was still waiting. Few had moved and everyone had spent the night on the large expanse of grass between the wall and the city. Not all of the Empire had stayed as long because many had work to do, but the families involved stayed. Triss and Lia had left the management of the mansion to their employees and were taking care of the Queen, the Princess and those who stayed behind.

The she-wolf's wife and little girl were up front and while little Shiro slept silently on her mother's lap, Gaya looked away. The dragoness knew her wife was powerful but her overflowing love made her anxious and caring despite her blind trust for Freya.

"Queen Gaya, perhaps you should get some rest. You've been up all night without ever sleeping a wink."