An unforgettable and magical morning

-- POV Shiro --

I was in mommy's arms and we were about to fly in the sky. I couldn't believe it was true and I was holding on to her as tight as I could. I was scared and shaking, but I really wanted to know what it felt like. When I was alone in the human town, I often looked up at the birds in the sky and wondered what it would be like to fly. Today, once again thanks to Mommy, I could already live one of those dreams.

"Do you trust me ?"

"Mmh ! More than anyone else mommy..."

As I clung even more tightly to her clothes, in one big leap mommy jumped down. A small scream escaped my mouth as I closed my eyes tightly. I could feel my body falling like it was never going to stop and I couldn't help but scream a little louder.

"Mo...mommy ! Don't let me down !"

Just as those words had escaped my mouth, I felt my body rise again and my mommy's hand rest on my head.
