The taste of cider [Elysium Festival - Part III]

-- POV Luna --

"Yes ! I looked for you everywhere you know ? Every night *hic* yes every night I thought of you ! I dreamed of finding you and hugging you! N-*hic* now that you're here I'm not going to leave you hihi~..."

*Shit, she's drunk... I'm so stupid !*

Alayna had just said these words without any embarrassment and while I didn't know what to say she got up to sit next to me. She had only had one drink so the alcohol would wear off in time but for the moment I had no idea what to do.

*I...I feel like I've just made a terrible mistake...*

I was angry at myself for trying to play a little joke on her but I didn't expect the situation to turn out this way. I was in my thoughts but I felt Alayna's insistent gaze on me and as I turned I could see her eyes staring at my tail. She was looking at it with sparkling eyes that made me shiver for some unknown reason.

"I always wondered what it would be like to have a tail hihi~..."


"And beast ears !"