The Elysium Anthem [Elysium Festival - Part V]

-- POV General --

While Alayna and Luna kissed and Emilia opened her heart to Naia, Freya and Gaya stood among the citizens, sitting in front of the musicians' stage. Although they had wanted to enjoy the atmosphere discreetly, a large space had been created around them as if getting closer was dangerous.

Shiro was no longer with them as she had joined her classmates who were preparing to perform soon. The music had stopped and the musicians were starting to leave the stage to make room for them.

As the show put together by Viana and her team working at the school and orphanage was being put on. The Empress could only wait with anticipation, but not without asking questions of her wife who had helped Shiro rehearse.


-- POV Freya --

"It's still not a fight show ?"

[Onee-san stop talking nonsense ! Your daughter will never do that... at least for now. I preferred it to be dancing !]