Chookies and patpatissier [Elysium Festival - Part VIII]

-- POV Freya --

The dance we had done with Gaya and Shiro had now been over for several hours and I was sitting on the sidelines watching the festival go on very well. The night was already well underway and I knew that the light of dawn would be shining on the Empire in only a few hours, yet the center of Elysium was still bustling. Fatigue didn't seem to affect all those faces depicting a joy they had never known before. Gaya had gone with Shiro to visit the various stalls and bring us back plenty of food to eat while I stayed and watched.

[It was a really good idea to do this festival. I don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in one place. My little niece had a really good idea !]

*Ara ara~ aren't you going to give me a long-winded nickname this time ?*

[Tsk, you'll see the next one I prepare will leave you speechless pffhaha~]