Hidden place and entrance

-- POV Freya --

I stood in front of that bright tree and as I heard the Lieutenants and Commanders in the distance join me, I sat cross-legged. I needed time, space and concentration as I was about to test my theory. Lynn and her tale had arrived at just the right time and all I wanted to do was to begin by closing the mystery of this tree before discovering more.

[Concentrate, feel the mana and especially visualize it in its original form]

My eyes were closed, my heart was beating very slowly, and my breaths might seem shallow as I entered a special state. This was the first time I tried to feel the mana coming from such a big magical thing and it was quite difficult because I had to separate it from the surrounding mana. The more I concentrated, the more the golden spots that represented the mana started to be invaded by other spots but of white color.

"Your Highness ?"
