Fighting a horde II [The crypt - Part III]

-- POV General --

For several minutes, Ralph and Emilia had fought in the middle of this cloud of horrible and repulsive creatures without weakening but needed rest. Almost of one and same voice, they had thus announced to the remaining Commanders to replace them the time to rest a little. Thus, it was Luna, Persea, Ynir and Caipy's turn to enter the battle. Unlike the half-human cat and the young woman hybrid, they weren't specialized in close combat but they could handle themselves just as well.

Persea and Ynir always worked together, but in a situation like this, Caipy had joined the group. In only a few moments, seeming to understand each other without speaking, the three Commanders coordinated their attacks perfectly. Ralph and Emilia had left behind them a scattered and chaotic horde, much less effective than at the beginning which was perfect for their strategy.

"Ynir, your illusions !"

"It's coming !"