Beyond the door [The crypt - Part XIV]

-- POV Freya --

[Onee-san, you seem to be taking all these changes much easier than usual, why ?]

*I don't know...I feel much calmer*

[This must be another effect of these events, but have a second name which is no small thing]

*I've decided not to jump to conclusions until I'm sure of something. I may have a middle name, but that doesn't change who I am now and nothing can ever change that*

Even though I was something other than an Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos, even though there was a lot of mystery hanging over me and my loved ones, I was still who I was. Since I had a new system and despite all that was going on, I was serene, happy, determined and ready for anything. For the moment, everything in its own time and even if I was impatient to discover the real usefulness of this new system, I remained calm.