Chaos I [Hell - Part VIII]

-- POV General --

Freya had watched her little sister's first fight from where she stood and was somewhat shocked at how quickly it ended. Using everything she could, Kira had not hesitated to change her form even if it meant being naked on the battlefield in order to live. So she surprised the human and with her flawless dwarf-forged scythe, she sliced off the Paladin's leg and head without hesitation. 

Blood had spurted out, staining her face red as well as most of the front of her body that was standing over it at the time. Yet the beautiful naked young woman with the three silver tails did not move and remained motionless next to her victim. Her purple eyes stared into the void when suddenly she seemed to come to her senses, realizing for the very first time that she had just taken a life. 

"Cough cough !!!"