Act One: The Fallen King and the Missing Princess

- POV General -

Now that everyone was present, Kira had just announced the beginning of this evening which was going to be full of action and twists. In the middle of the arena, Myles, Leto and Theophylactus stood weakly facing the Fox Princess Kira, Alayna the former princess of Zal and Commander Luna. Before the eyes of everyone in the coliseum, a father was reunited with his daughter who had been missing for months.

Yet the reunion was far from a novel, as the situation was far different from a touching and tearful story. Alayna found herself facing her father again after asking to confront him one last time despite her fears and the pressure she felt. Fortunately, she was not alone as Luna was by her side to give her strength and support which made the moment easier to live with.

"A-Alayna ?? I-It's"

"I'm not your daughter anymore."