Return in the middle of the night

- POV General -

The evening was over, the soldiers who had been able to quench their thirst for revenge and anger were all slowly dispersing. The great coliseum of Elysium had been inaugurated in the blood of the humans who had been behind the attack in the forest near the Empire. The circle was almost complete, although of the three men taken prisoner, only one had died, executed by the Dragon Queen herself. 

As the last of the citizens left the scene, in the middle of the arena, only the Empress, the Queen, the Princess, the Commanders and the prisoners remained. Of course, there were also the two sisters who had been healed after their very first fight in their new bodies. All of them were waiting for instructions from the Empress who didn't want to dawdle, wanting to reach the hospital where Kalaa, Shiro, Angel, Tyle and Altaïs were still waiting probably asleep.

"Commander Kira."

"Yes your Highness ?"