Shiro's nightmare

- POV Shiro -

Everything was black, dark, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything, I was all alone but I didn't understand why I was alone. Mommy and the others weren't there even though I remembered saying good night to them as always before going to bed like a good girl. I was supposed to be in a big forest under a tent with everyone else but here I was lost in a place I didn't know.

"M-Mommy ?" Mom Gaya ? A-Auntie..."

No one answered. Had they all gone and left me all alone ? Had I been a bad girl without knowing it ? It was pitch black and as flashes of my human life spent in the closet began to make me shake, the ground opened up beneath my feet. There was a big deep hole under my feet and as I felt myself falling, I tried to move around but I was too weak like always.