Lady V I

- POV Freya -

An icy representation of Lady V containing a part of her soul for a little while had appeared on the floor identical to the statue. She didn't move, didn't seem to breathe which was normal but her lack of movement didn't hide any signs of imminent awakening. Magnus was next to her and although he didn't dare touch her, I could see and feel a mixture of fear, sadness, relief and above all joy. 

He had his hands over her body, he wanted to wake her up but didn't dare to touch her, he wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. The Vampire had never met the imprisoned Lady V before he became a Priest, but he knew how much she had contributed to his people. He knew what she had done, he knew her without ever having spoken to her, he knew everything about her without ever having met her eyes, but today that would change.