The party

"You look great, I knew it would suit you perfectly," Max said, walking around me to admire the outfit. "This looks so... amazing!" I exclaimed, a smile lighting up my face. I was wearing black men's jogger pants with multiple pockets, a black polo neck, and a white t-shirt. Paired with white Nike Air Force 1 sneakers, the outfit made me feel confident and stylish. "Wow, are you some fashionista? Because, boy, you sure know how to dress a woman," I complimented myself while looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"Well... bad boys do know how to kill it in dressing, don't they?" Max replied, patting his chest playfully. "Haha, what did I expect? Mr. Payne is blowing his own trumpet," I teased, turning to face him. "Well, can we go now? This is the time when the party gets really cool," I added, eager to join the festivities.

"But my eye, won't people laugh?" I expressed my concern, gently touching the eye pouch. "No one will. These people are more civilized, trust me," Max assured me, opening the door and gesturing for me to go out first. As I walked out with my spirits high, I couldn't help but notice that we looked like a couple with our matching outfits. "And you're just the right size for a girlfriend," Max teased, playfully measuring my height. "Are you saying I'm short?" I protested, pointing at myself. "Yes, you are vertically disadvantaged," he replied, smirking. "You know, you really know how to ruin one's mood," I retorted, crossing my arms. Max then came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as we slowly walked down the corridor. "Do not worry yourself, shorty. They say dynamites come in small packages, so cheers to you," he whispered in my ear, his words making me smile. "Wow... and you sure know how to charm a girl," I replied, genuinely impressed.

"I charmed you? Wow," he teased. "No, you did not. I'm just smiling at how you still use that quote and think it's still in fashion," I replied, playfully challenging him. "Excuse me, ma'am, just admit you were charmed... like hell, I'm sure I am the first and last man to ever say that to you," Max insisted. "Mm, I would like to applaud your confidence, but my dad was the first," I replied, removing his hands as we reached the stairs. "Okay, if you say so, but I am definitely the last because I am the only boy with enough compassion to at least make you feel better. Not every girl is lucky, especially a nerd and loner like you," Max said, slipping one hand into his pocket and tapping on his phone. As we descended the stairs, I playfully swatted his hands. "You are such a moron, uncivilized and uncouth. I pity the woman who birthed you. You called me ugly, politely!" I said, chasing him down the stairs. "Hey, you have no right to hit me, you dwarf!" he exclaimed, running ahead. "How dare you call me a dwarf... you skunk-ape!" I fired back, catching up with him.

Just as I bumped into his back, he abruptly stopped, causing me to collide with him. "You skunk," I said, touching my eye. Looking ahead, I noticed people staring at us. "Uhh, the man of the party... and he brought his Mrs.," one person commented, fist-bumping Max. "Uhh the man of the party ...and he brought his Mrs. ," said the man as he fist bumped Max ,"Uhh i am...not.." i tried speaking but Max cut my sentence short ,"Well we had to come and bless my one and only favorite twins ," he said ...oh the party was being held in the basement , a really beautiful basement ,it so looked like a club ..."Nice to meet you Mrs. Payne ," his friend said ," Uhm...Uhm nice to meet you and i am proudly Mrs. Payne otherwise i would be in pain my whole life," i said shaking his hand."Whoa that burnt," his friend said ," Just ignore her the title is too hot for her to handle just call her Ms. Teacher," Max said smirking towards me.

Max and his friends went to the backyard and some of us were told to go and sit in the lounge freely if we didn't feel like swimming ,there were snacks ,sodas, candy and many more food dishes ...i decided to sit next to this other girl , she was Afro American if i was not mistaken "Hey ," i said smiling slightly at her ,"Hey girl ,is it like your first time attending the Davis Twins Party because i know everyone except you, "she asked me ,"Um yes ... it's my first time here," i said to her looking around me ," Oh well welcome hun... trust me you won't regret coming to this party ...the twins sure do know how to throw a should i get you soda , alcohol ,wine ?" she asked ,she had a beautiful big Afro ,it was shiny and had black-brown color her one eye was blue and the other was brown ,she had a nice smooth skin and she had full plump lips ,"Um i think soda ,non-alcoholic ," i said to her smiling ," Okay hun ,you go fetch some snacks ...and make sure you get as much as possible the boys will be joining soon ,"she said standing up and walking away .

As i walked to fetch the snacks some girls were just looking at me ,"Um excuse me ," one of the girls said ,"Yes ," "Are you like ..Max's girlfriend ?" the other girl asked ,"Um.." ,"Yes she is ," the afro girl said coming close to us ," Do you have a problem?...i guess not and even if we did i think we all know that we should mind the business that pays you ," she said grabbing my arm and walking with me to the kitchen ,"Um there are snacks in the lounge ," i said pointing to the lounge ,"Girl don't mind those two ,just some nosy girls anyways yes there are snacks but the ones i want are not there i'm sure that Ape ,Tinashe hid them ," she said going to the kitchen backyard door ,"What's your name by the way ,i am known as Tanya ...full name being Tanyaradzwa Davis ," she said ,"Uhh my name is Bellona...Bellona Crude," i said ,"What? You the daughter of Mr. Crude nice meeting you ..hold on a sec," she said "TINASHE!!,"she screamed repeatedly until the same guy who called me Mrs. Payne came into the kitchen ,wet from head to toe ,"What?" he asked rolling his eyes at Tanya ,"Don't roll your eyes at me ,where are the Lays Maxx ?" she asked ,"Top left drawer in the pantry ,oh Mrs. Payne ...i see you met my sister who is younger by 2 minutes, "he said sitting on the kitchen counter ,"Excuse me i am your trio sister we were born at the same time ,"she said fetching glasses ,"Um no you were born on 00:00 ,i was born on 23:58 and Tadiwa was born on 23:55 so you were technically born the following day," he said ,"Where are your parents ?" i asked Tanya as we were collecting the snacks ,"Oh my parents are out ,they left the house to us for the weekend to throw our party since we passed our exams so it's like a gift for doing well and a birthday gift ," she said grabbing more than she could carry ,"Oh ...but yall probably under 18 and you allowed to like drink alcohol," i said to her as i carried the snacks ,"Oh i was joking it's not really alcohol my parents would have found out and we would be wishing we were never born," she said walking out of the pantry while i followed her , "Haha rich parents yet strict," i said to her ,we got into the lounge and put the snacks on the carpeted floor at the far corner ,we put the snacks and drinks next to them and helped Tanya get some towels and mini blankets ,as we finished fixing stuff the boys came in with about 6 bowels full of barbequed meat they placed them in the center so that everybody could have access to them ,the twins who looked so much alike and Max along with another boy came and sat next to Tanya and i they were wet so they took the towels we got and started drying themselves ,"Y'all will get sick ," Tanya said opening some sweets and eating them ,"We don't get sick we are really strong boys ," one of the twins said ,"Let's begin the games before we officially start a pool party ," the other boy said ,"Pool party at night ?" i asked and they all nodded ," it is more fun as our pool is very long that it goes under this cave at the back yard ,so we play around and play war games till morning only the strongest and fittest can survive ," Tanya said throwing the other twin a jelly bean sweet ,"Okay," i said knowing that i would probably be long gone, "You must not know our names and probably can't differentiate between me and my twin but just know that the one with a necklace is Tadiwa and the one with a ring is Tinashe and that over there is our friend Simon ," Tanya said ,"Okay thanks ,nice to meet you ,i am Bellona ," i said waving at them ,everyone in the room was chatting, eating ,dancing and we all played games ,it was fun because i was really enjoying myself ,i learnt new games and also learnt new dance moves, we also played sock wrestling ,spin the bottle ,30 seconds and guess the song ,movie and celebrities ...the party was my first and it really was amazing ! I didn't leave early as planned because it was so fun i lost count of time ,so the the pool party had begun ,i didn't join because 1.I had no costume ,2.I didn't feel like it and 3.I wasn't too quite sure of playing war games in the water ,so by war games i talked about something like having a balloon filled with paint and throwing it to the opposite team and also playing paintball at the backyard with our costumes on ,"Oh come on girl i can give you one of my costumes it comes with a scarf and is a onesie," Tanya said more like whined ,i finally agreed and wore her costume ,we started playing and Max and i were in one team ,running in water is really hard ,it was hard to tell who was who ? but Max was by my side we were like partners in crime ,"So how's the party so far ?" he asked ,"It is amazing ,i am enjoying it ,Thanks a lot Max ," i said smiling at him ," Oh wow i finally got my thanks Max ,but your voice is too squeaky like a child who was promised ice cream ," he said running his hands in his wet hair ,"Oh wow and i regret it already " i said to him ,Max pulled me down into the water and quickly pulled me back up ,"What the !" i shouted trying to remove my hair from my face ,"Sorry they had thrown a ball ," he said helping me stand steadily as i was unsteady ,"Let's go into the cave ,it's more nicer there ," he said pulling me ,"Uhh the dark and me are not best of friends ," i said trying to stop walking ,"Trust me you will be okay besides i will be by your side ," he said holding both my hands ,"Forever??" i asked him jokingly ,"Yes always ," he said and started pulling me towards the dark cave ,the weird feeling in my stomach had started again ,it made me feel excited and happy what was wrong with me ?? We played till 3:00am ,everyone was exhausted ,so we dried up and i went to sleep with Tanya and some other girls and the boys somewhere else ,the Davis family sure has a nice well built house ,it's exquisite and the party was amazing ,i enjoyed it a lot .I also made a new friends the triplets and Simon ,the only problem was that they learned in Ridgewood High School so they would be my out mate friends ,Max today you really made me the happiest teen by bringing me to this party . We ended up gossiping as girls and chatting until we finally got warm and comfy and then dozed off finally with a big smile on my face fragile face