The dream and confession

"I will not rest till I serve justice ...I rather die trying ,"she said while sitting on the ground with the man in a mask holding a knife to her neck , "Be careful of the words you utter ,they might just come true ,"he said spitefully .I was watching from under the table ,I was hiding under the table holding on to gifts that I had gotten my mom ,"Marcus just state why you are here ,if you want me dead then kill me but I'm not going to destroy that evidence you can die for all I care,"My mom said looking at him with so much passion and Zeal ,i was really scared , frightened ,"You know you talk too much ...if I can't get rid of the evidence, I can get rid of you .. because you are the only link to the evidence ...without you there is no access to the evidence,"he said putting his face closer to my mom's face ,he grabbed her Afro hair and pulled it causing her to hit her face to the floor ,he repeated this action until my mom was bleeding ...I held my mouth trying to not scream ,my mom had indicated that I keep quiet but I just couldn't contain it ...he took the knife and slit her cheeks ,and then as he slit her throat that's when I lost it and ran towards them pushing the guy named Marcus away from my dying mother ,"Mom..Mommy ..please hold on ..don't,"I said tears falling out like a river flowing downstream ,I took my jersey and tried wrapping it on her throat but the blood wouldn't stop and before I knew it my mom was gone ...",no,no...,"I said repeatedly as I let out my most painful wail...I sobbed on my mom's chest wishing I could feel her chest going up and down and her warm breath hitting my forehead but that's was all a dream that was never going to happen .I looked up and saw that the man named Marcus was nowhere to be seen but he did leave behind a knife ...I ran and took the telephone and called the ambulance and police took me a while to get words out but I did manage to give them the necessary information they were looking for ..I then called my dad's office telling him to come home quicker than the word quick itself ..I couldn't stop crying and all I wanted was to see my mom wake up and hug me tightly telling me it was all a bad dream ....


"hey hey...wake up's okay's just a bad dream ,"he said as he hugged me tightly ..I just sobbed in his arms knowing very well that the bad dream was a reality that happened years back but is still haunting me ,I hugged him tightly ,"Why did he kill my mom?Why did I see my mom take her last breath on her own wedding anniversary day??why??"I said as I sobbed in his arms ,"It's okay ...don't cry,honestly I don't have the right words to say to you because I do not know what you are going through ,I would be lying if I said I did ..but all I wanna tell you Is that wherever your mom is ..She wants you to move on and be the happy child she was to see ,she knew it would happen with the intensity the case she was handling was ..but she didn't want you to be there watching but you gotta face this head on and smile for the sun is shining and your mom is looking down upon you ,"he said rubbing my back and rocking me back and forth.We were still in the hospital,on his bed as he had told me to join him so that he could at least feel more warmer ,"Sometimes it gets hard's really hard to not think about it ..the last memory I have of my mother is her being killed ..I will never understand why my mom chose death ..but I know she did it for the better good ," I said .

We were laying on the bed while he kept caressing my back ,in the moment we kinda locked eyes and I don't know but at that moment on time I just saw the most beautiful man ever ,he smiled towards me in reassurance , I tried to hold the feeling that was flushing my stomach but it was sprawling like butterflies flying ,I held my stomach to suppress it but the more I suppressed it the more I felt it ."You know lately ...I have been having weird feelings towards you,"he said ..."I think I like you Bell and I think I like you more than just a friend , when i saw you crying...I felt like getting a hold of that one memory and taking it away from you ,"he added ,he was now caressing my hair ,"Max ...I...have nothing to say to you,honestly who wouldn't love me ," I said ... ,"Psshh ,"he said rolling his eyes ,"I just confessed how i feel about you and you take it as a joke ," he said looking at me in disbelief,"Wait you are serious?" i asked totally shocked ,it took me 5 good minutes to talk again Max fudging Payne likes me oh my word!! I had mixed emotions ...i ...a bullied girl is liked by Max Payne the school well known troublemaker and the most wanted school boy.

"So all it took was for me to have a bad dream for you to tell me that you like me," i said looking at him ,"I just couldn't hold it ...considering that we are close and it makes me unable to control myself ," he said ,"Well Mr. do know you don't expect me to just start dating you need to woo me then maybe i might consider dating you," i said moving away from him ,he sat upright looking at me with disbelief ,"Woo you ..what is this ? the 90s ?" he asked ,"You know if an allergy attack makes you so stupid then i recommend you stay away from things you are allergic to ...yes you need to woo me give me reasons why i should date you," i said taking my bag and waving goodbye at him ,"Unbelievable ," was what i heard him say as i walked out of the door .Oh Max was in hospital due to an allergic reaction ,that's what happens when you eat something that isn't meant for you.