If You Wait Long Enough, Rabbits Will Hit Trees

We have reached 100 power stones, and so, here's an extra chapter!


As Mo Aini arrived at the concert, the late male lead actor had finally arrived.

They met eyes, and it reminded him of those dramas he watched...

About seeing your doppelgangers.

(What the fuck, he really looks like me.)

Tu Xingjiu meanwhile, was so shocked like he had seen a ghost. He stopped dead in his tracks, until fans had ushered him to the stage. He was given a mic, and he went to look again for this doppelganger, but lost him from the countless heads shouting at him from below the stage.

He got over his shock, thinking it was just his imagination, and continued on to perform. "Why, good, good, good, goooooooood morningggggg, everyone!!!!!"

It's actually noon, but the people didn't care. They went crazy from the movie emperor's charms.