Lili-Jie's Route Choosing

This extra chapter is dedicated to akasiaa. Thank you for the review!


Once the advertisement was released on the internet, the reputation of idol Yang Caihong as a meng-seller did not change, in fact, it even heightened. Now everyone who has seen it from the online Hu Tobacco store website could not stop singing the jingle for days!

"Tiger Vape! Tiger Vape!

Smoke with color! Smoke with flavor!

Tiger Vape! Tiger Vape!

Be hip, be the king with Tiger Vape!"

It became an instant hit that teenagers everywhere would be adding it to their meme references or even do TikTok dances to it. Yang Caihong's traffic light look can also be seen recreated by people on the streets, to the point where it was even merchandised. His popularity grew, and it did help his group which is just a rookie in terms of other idol groups...

But it did not change his image for one bit! For him, it was a mega fail!