Everyone is A Love Rival!?

Mo Aini immediately diffused the situation. "Oh, it's getting late! Mr. Hu, we still have to deliver a statement to the upper management about how the proceedings with XEN Entertainment went before going home! It was nice meeting you both!"

He grabbed his boss' hands again and ran off, cursing under his breath.

(Fucking Liu Sha! How can he even reveal his knowledge of me in front of these love interests just like that!? How did he get here anyway!? Did Shuaige think they haven't messed up with me enough and want to send in someone to just remind me of the literal hell I'm in!?) Mo Aini was so mad he feel like coughing up blood again.

Back at the mall, he really coughed up blood, it was not an expression. He was reminded that his health is actually not good, and he has a history of suffering from cancer. Yet no one knows of it, only him and the system.